儒家人性观,Confucianism of human nature
1)Confucianism of human nature儒家人性观
1.In face of the venture of cross-cultural shock, it is meaningful to analyze the root causes from the view of China traditional culture--Confucianism of human nature and compare Confucianism with western management theory, so that the enterprises will refresh their culture with Chinese feature.从中国传统儒家人性观的角度解析跨文化冲突管理,并将中国儒家管理方略与西方管理文化进行比较,对于进一步构建具有中国特色的管理体系具有一定的启示。

1.Management of Cross-cultural Shock in MSN: on the Perspective of Confucianism;从中国传统儒家人性观谈跨国公司的文化冲突管理
2.The View of Human Nature and the Harmonious Personality in China Confucian Arts and Culture;中国儒家文化中的人性观与和谐人格
3.Multiple value implications of Confucian oneness of Heaven and Man;儒家“天人合一”观之价值意蕴的多重性
4.Pu Songling s Human Nature: between Confucian Ethics and Human Nature;蒲松龄的人性观:儒家伦理与自然人性之间
5.Analysis of Different Understandings of Human Nature and Moral Practice by Confucian and Christian Faiths;试析儒家与基督教的人性观及道德实践
6.Humanistic Revelation from the View of Wealth of Pre-Qin Confucianism先秦儒家伦理性财富观的人文主义启示
7.Human Resource Theories of the Confucian School and Implications;儒家“任人唯贤”的人才观及现代意义
8.About the Pre-confucian Concept of Heaven Ecological Ethics Thought;先秦儒家天人观的生态伦理思想探微
9.Outlook of Overall Nature of Confucian Harmony with God;儒家“天人合一”三才论的自然整体观
10.People s Natural Source--On the Confucianists Traditional Ecological Ethic View;人的自然之源——论儒家传统生态伦理观
11.The Confucianism of the Harmony between Man and Nature and Scientific Development View;儒家的“天人合一”思想与科学发展观
12.Comparative Research on Personality between Confucianism and S. Freud s Theory;儒家人格观与弗洛伊德的人格观之比较
13.The Rebuttal of Xunzi s Doctrine of Human Nature by Confucianism;荀子人性论与儒家人性论的历史向度
14.The Modern Value of the Theory on Human Nature between Pre-Qin Confucianism and Legalist School;先秦儒家与法家人性学说的当代价值
15.A Study for the Value of Confucian Concept of Adult and Its Modern Humanism-Based Management;儒家成人观及其现代人本管理价值研究
16.The Revelations of the Ideal Personality of Confucianism to the Contemporary Student s Outlook on Life;儒家理想人格对当代大学生人生观的启示
17.On the Influence of Confucian Views of Personality Value on the Modern People;儒家人格价值观对现代人格困惑的启示
18."Business","Businessmen","Business theorists" and "Businessmen with Confucianism";“商”、“商人”、“商家”、“儒商”

talent concept of Confucianism儒家人才观
1.This paper analyzes how to use talent concept of Confucianism to evaluate talents,select talents,use talents as well as carry out human-based management and finally puts forward corresponding tactics for management.儒家思想为我国的企业管理提供了许多可供借鉴之处,特别是儒家人才观。
3)Confucian Concept of Adult儒家成人观
1.A Study for the Value of Confucian Concept of Adult and Its Modern Humanism-Based Management;儒家成人观及其现代人本管理价值研究
4)Confucianist outlook on women儒家女性观
1.The original Confucianist outlook on women stated that men and women were different,not that men were superior.儒家女性观最早强调的是男女有差别而非有贵贱,其后妇德之“顺”的理念演变得日渐严苛,直至达到“夫权至上”和“贞烈”的极端。
5)human nature theory of the Confucian School儒家人性论
6)life philosophy of Confucian儒家的人生观
1.The thoughts and theories of life philosophy of Confucian are very abundant and valuable.儒家的人生观是孔子所创立的儒家思想的重要组成部分。

本书是为纪念伏尔泰逝世100周年而写,同时也出自作者对早年崇拜的音乐家瓦格纳的失望情绪。全书用格言体写成,分两卷。第一卷共九章,从各方面探讨了世界与人生的基本问题。第二卷的两个部分《见解与箴言杂录》和《漫游者和他的影子》,继续作者在第一卷中开始的对西方形而上学传统及其影响下的西方文化的全面批判。作者一方面肯定人性中值得肯定的方面,希望挖掘人的潜力,使人类变得更优秀;另一方面又对人性的弱点和缺点,尤其对西方文化传统下形成的这种弱点和缺点,进行了尖刻的讽刺和挖苦。 作者寄希望于"自由精灵",也就是能超越传统思维方式、传统道德观念而自由思想的人。本书作者弗里德里希•尼采(nietzsche, friedrich, 1844-1900)是19世纪德国哲学家,唯意志论和生命哲学主要代表之一,被认为是世界最伟大的思想家之一。早年在波恩大学和莱比锡大学学习,获博士学位。不到25岁就被聘为瑞士巴塞尔大学的古典语文学副教授,并在一年以后成为正教授。一生著述颇丰,如《悲剧的诞生》、《查拉图斯特拉如是说》、《善恶的彼岸》、《强力意志》等,对20世纪的思想界产生重大影响。1889年初,在意大利的都灵街头摔倒,就此精神错乱,于11年后在德国的魏玛去世。