帝王文化,Emperor culture
1)Emperor culture帝王文化
2)the cultural self_cultivation of the emperors帝王尚文
3)Emperors and Literature帝王和文学
4)literature of Chinese monarch中国帝王文学
5)king writer group帝王文人集团
1.The writer groups can be divided into the king writer groups and the personal friendship writer groups according to the type.我认为文人集团按类型可分为帝王文人集团和私交文人集团两种。
6)Yan Emperor Culture炎帝文化
1.On Yan Emperor Culture and Caltivation Civilization in China and the World;论炎帝文化与中国和世界农耕文明
2.Preliminary Research of Original Rice Cultivation and Yan Emperor Culture in Zhuzhou;株洲原始稻作与炎帝文化初探

1.Culture of Yan Emperor is the Origin of Dominative Area and People Culture of the Qin State and the Chinese Culture;秦地文化与华夏文化的先河:炎帝文化
2.On the Modern Significance of Yan Di Spirit and Yan Di Culture;论弘扬炎帝精神与炎帝文化的现代意义
3.Discussion on the relationship between the culture of Emperor Yan Di and the culture of the Yellow Riverfrom the evolution of geologic history;从地质历史演变谈炎帝文化与黄河文化的关系
4.On the Spatial Distribution of the Emperor Yan Cultural Tourism Resources in Hunan Province and its Development and Utilization湖南省炎帝文化旅游资源的空间分布与开发利用
5.EXAMINING YANSHEN IN QU YUAN S POEMS;屈赋“炎神”考──关于炎神、炎帝、神农、黄帝的文化人类学诠释
6.Cultural Reflections on "Origin Searching and Ancestry Sacrificing" Tour of Emperor Yan Mausoleum in Zhuzhou对株洲炎帝陵“寻根祭祖”游的文化思考
7.Yan Emperor,The Yellow Emperor and Chinese Dragons;炎帝、黄帝与中国龙——兼谈中国龙的“龙德”与炎黄文化的和谐精神
8.The humane primogenitor is the spirit of ethnic ancestor and culture creator.汉族神话中的人文始祖女娲、伏羲、黄帝、炎帝已历史化。
9.A Study on Various Modes of Yandi s Title and Evolutions of the Han-dynasty Conception on Culture;论炎帝称谓的诸种模式与两汉文化逻辑
10.On the Profound Influence of Emperor Yan s Tasting Herbs on Hanjiang River Culture;论炎帝神农尝百草对汉水文化的深远影响
11.A Study of YanDi s Legends and Folk Customs in the South-east of Shanxi;晋东南一带炎帝历史传说、民俗文化考释
12.Due to being scarce of documents, present study on YanDi's locations and his influence has not reflected the whole of YanDi's history and culture.为文献所限,目前史学界有关炎帝活动史、地、影响等研究远未反映炎帝历史文化的全部。
13.Yan Di(Emperor Yan),the Shen Nong(the Immortal Farmer) was the primogenitor of the Chinese nation, founder of agro-farming culture.炎帝神农氏是中华民族的始祖、农耕文化的创始人。
14.Lu Shi Chun Qiu and the Culture of Huangdi and the August Ones and the Five lords;《吕氏春秋》与黄帝、三皇五帝文化
15.The Thought of Harmony in Emperor Yan s Time--As Seen in Lian Shan Yi;《连山易》等古文献所体现的炎帝时代的和谐思想
16.The Significance of Emperor Yan s Relic in the Southeast of Shanxi to the Original Chinese Culture;晋东南炎帝史迹及其对华夏文明探源的意义
17.Cultural Imperialism and National Culture,National Identity;文化帝国主义与民族文化、民族认同
18.On America s Cultural Expansion from the Angle of Cultural Imperialism;从“文化帝国主义”看美国的文化扩张

the cultural self_cultivation of the emperors帝王尚文
3)Emperors and Literature帝王和文学
4)literature of Chinese monarch中国帝王文学
5)king writer group帝王文人集团
1.The writer groups can be divided into the king writer groups and the personal friendship writer groups according to the type.我认为文人集团按类型可分为帝王文人集团和私交文人集团两种。
6)Yan Emperor Culture炎帝文化
1.On Yan Emperor Culture and Caltivation Civilization in China and the World;论炎帝文化与中国和世界农耕文明
2.Preliminary Research of Original Rice Cultivation and Yan Emperor Culture in Zhuzhou;株洲原始稻作与炎帝文化初探
