天人相类,similarity between human and nature
1)similarity between human and nature天人相类
2)Human Nature人类天性

1.Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature.积极的确是一种人类天性的反映。
2.Being so sandwiched is the very essence of humanity;这样被夹在中间便是人类天性的本质;
3.a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society.人类天性中基本为约束其在人类社会的行为表现根据的规则。
4.The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. --John Ruskin爱美为健康人类天性之主要部分。——罗斯金
5.The humane character of aesthetics embodies three points as follows:the monologue of human natural instincts;美学的人文品位主要体现三点 :出自本根的人类天性的独白 ;
6.Ecological Crisis,Anthropocentrism, and Human Nature;生态危机、人类中心主义和人的天性
7.You seem to have no respect for human nature.你好象并不太重视人类的天性呀。
8.Human cytomegalovirus( HCMV) is the most frequent congenitally infected virus.人巨细胞病毒是人类最常见的先天性感染病毒。
9.Nature proved too strong even for the powerful feelings with which he endeavoured to bridle it.人类的天性比他想竭力控制的感情还要强。
10.The“ psychological” foundation refers to humankind's innate passion for gambling.心理基础实际上指的是人类嗜赌的天性。
11.A love of music is inherent in human nature.爱好音乐是人类固有的特性((爱好音乐是人的天性))。
12.Her natural tendency was to deplore human failings in others and ignore them in herself.她的天性是痛恨别人身上存在人类的弱点,并且不愿理睬这种人。
13.A large number of inborn errors of metabolism are known in man.人们了解到在人类中存在大量的先天性代谢缺陷。
14.First of all, it ignores human nature. Very few people wish to hear from a machine that they’re wrong.首先,它忽视了人类的天性,绝少有人会愿意听机器说他们是错误的。
15.the virus that causes smallpox in humans.引起人类天花的病毒。
16.Location and Identification of Human Simple Congenital Heart Disease Susceptibility Genes;人类单纯性先天性心脏病遗传易感基因的定位与鉴定
17.Construction, Expression and Purification of Human Anti-BP180 Single-chain Fv Antibody人源性抗大疱性类天疱疮抗原BP180单链抗体的构建、表达及纯化
18.Construction and Expression of Human Anti-BP180-NC16A Single-chain Antibody人源性抗大疱性类天疱疮抗原BP180-NC16A单链抗体的构建及表达

Human Nature人类天性
3)Adaptation of human body to natural environment天人相应
1."Adaptation of human body to natural environment"is one of the most important theories in Inner Canon of Huangdi(Huangdi Nei Jing)."天人相应"解释了自然界的变化规律与人体活动变化之间的某种联系,是《黄帝内经》的重要思想之一。
4)correspondence between man and universe天人相应
1.Formal method of correspondence between man and universe in TCM theoretical modeling中医理论建模的天人相应形式化方法
2.New theory of senility period network of light-MT biosignal transduction(PNLMBT) was put forward to and explained for the first time in this article based on TCM theory of correspondence between man and universe senility, and other senility theories, together with the study of period network of light and biosignal transduction.基于中医学的天人相应衰老说,根据有关光周期信号和Melatonin(MT)化学周期信号相互转导的研究结果,综合已有的衰老理论,首次提出并阐释了生命衰老的光-MT生物信号转导周期网络(PeriodNetworkofLight-MTBiosignalTransduction,PNLMBT)理论。
3.Life theory,vital essence,vital qi and correspondence between man and universe are concept of nature science, not concept of ancient chinese philosophy.认为中医学应属于融入人文社会科学知识的自然科学的范畴 ;中医学是医学 ,不是自然哲学 ;中医学的生命学说、精气概念及天人相应观具有自然科学属性 ,与中国古代哲学或宗教的生命本原说、精气学说及天人相应观有着本质的区
5)Unking-up of human and nature天人相通
6)cross reference of human and nature天人相参

天人【天人】 (术语)天与人,即六趣中之天趣与人趣也。无量寿经上曰:“天人归仰。”又曰:“诸天世人。”法华经宝塔品曰:“移诸天人,置于他土。”【又】(天名)天上之人,天界生类之总称,如天人之五衰等。