山水自然,landscape nature
1)landscape nature山水自然
1.The traditional painting art is the important carrier of Chinese art spirit,its view of nature embodies the harmony of art nature and landscape nature,and also reflects the artists aesthetic pursuit of the integration of nature and man of the body and spirit.传统山水画艺术是中国艺术精神的重要载体之一,其自然观充分体现了艺术自然与山水自然的和谐妙契的关系,反映出传统山水画家肉体与精神上的"天人合一"的审美追求,并为人类的生存与发展提供了一定的启示意义。

1.On the Relationships between Confucian Mountain-Rivered Naturalism and the Literature of Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasty儒家山水自然观与魏晋山水诗的演进
2.On the value of Harmony of Art Nature and Landscape Nature;论艺术自然与山水自然和谐关系的当代价值
3.Scenic Poems:Reflections of Natural Landscapes in a Poet s Mind;山水诗:自然山水在诗人心灵中的造境
4.Initial Analysis on Correlation between Chinese Ancient Landscape Garden and Landscape Poetry;中国古典自然山水园与山水诗之关联浅析
5.Harmony between Human and Nature:Aesthetic Spirit in Chinese Landscape Paintings;人与自然和谐:中国山水画的美学精神
6.On the Secular Tang in the Nature Outlook in Chinese Landscape Painting;中国山水画自然观中的世俗文化情态
7.Disscussing The lively natural world of Yang Wan-li s Landscape Poets;浅论诚斋山水景物诗的人化自然世界
8.On Liu Zong-yuan s Poems and Prose about Yongzhou;永州山水诗文:自然美的发现与提升
9.Pursue the Conception of Nature Looking at Guo Xi Landscape Painting from in the 从《早春图》看郭熙山水画的自然观
10.Being Harmonious with Nature--Xiu Qi Tang VS Falling Water House与“自然”融合——秀起堂VS落水山庄
11.Smith: Er… I prefer to see some natural scenery, such as, landscapes, famous mountains and great rivers, and so on.我更喜欢自然景观,比如山水风光、山大川之类的。
12.Modern Interpretation of Natural Beautyfrom the Natural Beauty in Ancient Chinese Landscape Poetrye;自然美的现代意义——从中国古代山水诗中的自然审美谈起
13.Analysis on Similarities and Differences Between Chinese Natural Garden and English Landscape Garden浅析中国自然山水式园林与英国自然风景式园林的异同
14.In recent years Tiancheng has spent much of his time rambling about the mountainous shore of the Lijiang River.天成近年来遨游大自然,生活在漓江山水之中,想必也同样对自然山水风光有过从师到友的过程。
15.A mine water disaster is a natural disaster often occurred in mine construction and production.水患是矿山建设和生产中经常遇到的自然灾害。
16.Amidst the landscape of Jolly, we pursue nature, green and environmental protection.在君逸山水,我们崇尚的是自然、色和环保。
17.Design Research on Making the Natural Mountains and Rivers in City Intact and the Practical Exploration;完形城市自然山水设计研究与实践探索
18.Study on Water Conservation Benefit of Forest in Dayaoshan Natural Reseve;大瑶山自然保护区森林涵养水源效益研究

natural landscape自然山水
1.The central greenland of Dongyuan residential district is a natural landscape constructed in residence zone in line with local conditions.东苑小区中心绿地利用小区现状地形,因地制宜在居民区中营造了一片神似自然山水的景观,中心绿地共设置了4个功能分区,从总体布局到细部处理体现出以人为本的指导思想。
2.Modernization,people yearn for society increasingly just increasingly to natural landscape,the natural landscape appreciation of the beauty activity is just even more protruding in people\'s cultural life.在中国自然山水作为独立的审美对象,约始于魏晋南北朝时期。
1.The profound impression that the aristocrats in the record of The Shih-shuo Hsin-yu and the landscape brought out the best in each other.《世说新语》中的魏晋士人与自然山水之美相得益彰。
2.These facts improved the status of landscape,and resulted in the formation of landscape as independent aesthetic object.自然山水审美在六朝成为风尚,这一现象的形成有着多方面的原因。
4)natural scenery自然山水
1.The scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasty valued the beauty of natural scenery, and therefore made up for the weakness of ideal personality viewpoint hold since the Qin Dynasty by Taoist school.魏晋士人发现了自然山水,从而救治了先秦道家人格理想在践行过程中的“病态”。
5)natural mountain-water garden自然山水园
6)natural landscape beauty自然山水美

国际自然与自然资源保护联盟  由有志于自然保护的各国家成员、其他合作机构和有关的科学工作者组成。建于1948年。多年来,它与世界野生生物基金会、联合国各机构、各区域性组织和其他重要团体密切合作,开展全球性自然资源保护活动,属下有包括116个国家的537个会员组织。联盟大会、理事会和各专业委员会是其管理机构。执行机构为秘书处,总部设在瑞士的格兰德。下设由150多名专家组成的6个专业委员会,即:生态委员会,教育委员会,环境规划委员会,环境政策、法律、行政管理委员会,国家公园及保护区委员会;另外还有各种特设小组或由著名专家为审议重大问题而组成的顾问小组。联盟在非洲、中南美洲、北美洲与加勒比海、东亚、西亚、澳大利亚及大西洋、东欧、西欧等 8个地区还设区域顾问。联盟秘书处负责指导、督促各委员会及各区顾问的工作;推动各项计划的实施;支持各种项目的实施;组织制订保护法规等。全体会员代表大会每3年召开一次,选举新的主席和执行主席,研讨各种有关自然保护的技术问题。1979年,中国以国务院环境保护办公室的名义参加这个国际组织。1984年10月 5日联盟理事会第15次会议,通过决议接纳中国野生动物保护协会为联盟非政符团体会员。