直在其中,This is righteousness
1)This is righteousness直在其中
1.This is righteousness"."以直报怨"的"直",既不是"正直",也不是"对等"的意思,而是不受礼法约束的"直性"方式;"直在其中"中的"直",既不是"正直",也不是"对等"的意思,而是发乎内心率直的孝亲之理。
2)among the rest在其中

1.The outside of an orange is bitter, but the inside is sweet.橘子是苦在其外,甜在其中
2.Davy Crockett was among them.大卫?克洛基也在其中
3.I feel as if I was on one of the teams.我觉得仿佛我就在其中
4.because we are here in it,因为我们就生活在其中
5.An unlivable apartment.没法在其中居住的公寓
6.To cause a tingling or pricking sensation in.刺痛使在其中感到刺痛
7.One passenger is still unaccounted for.仍有一个旅客未在其中.
8.Act well your part;it's there the honour lies.善尽职守,荣耀就在其中
9.God has taken his place in her; she will not be moved: he will come to her help at the dawn of morning.神在其中。城必不动
10.They slept there peacefully.它们安静地沉睡在其中
11.In it is contained a fundamental way out.根本的出路就在其中
12.Among which, Xunxuan Cao achieved a victory in the middle game.其中曹薰铉在中盘取胜。
13.He was drawing her into them:他在把她拉进其中:
14.child en ventre sa mere尚在其母腹中的子女
15.Its value is given in the schematic.其值在图中表示出来。
16.Now eat one of them.现在吃掉其中的一块。
17.He takes much delight in his studies.他在学习中自得其乐。
18.Eight thousand are based in Washington.其中有8000人在华盛顿,

among the rest在其中
3)find pleasure in it乐在其中
4)among the number在其中;包括在内
5)inter alia在其他货物中尤其
6)sketch of pigment in glaze色料及其在釉中的呈色

瑶台月 其中疑有脱误【诗文】:修行便要寻捷径。心中长是清净。搜摧妙理,认取元初瞻听。四象内、只用澄鲜,湛湛源流端正。探深奥,观遥*。戴三曜,依三圣。功并。仍兼行满,俱凭悟省。玉润金锐光莹。吐彩艳、重重永定。灵明现圆相,一团红映。何虚空、冥香腾辉,在物外、悠悠能整。从来性。本来命。归云路,出山顶。堪庆。蓬莱岛,遣青谨请。【注释】:【出处】: