审美佳境,the most pleasant state to appreciate beauty
1)the most pleasant state to appreciate beauty审美佳境
1.Pine and cypress have broad and deep influence in our country,from profound imago of pine and cypress in traditional Chinese culture,earthling not only can taste the Chinese nation s spirit which has continued for thousands of years,but also taste deeply the most pleasant state to appreciate beauty which has remote history and .而松柏在我国又具有广泛而深远的影响,从中国传统文化中深厚的"松柏意象"里,世人不仅可以感受到绵延数千年的中华民族精神文化的精魂,也可以深刻地感受到在中国传统文化中历史悠远并绵长延续的"松柏情结"的审美佳境

1.On the College "Village Official" to Participate in the New Rural Construction Aesthetic Nirvana论大学生“村官”参与新农村建构的审美佳境
2.On Aesthetic Charm of Enjoyable Life in ZHUANG Zi’s "A Leisurely Tour"论庄子“逍遥游”生命佳境的审美情韵
3.To Evoke the Aesthetic Appreciation;论意境的审美价值——唤起审美鉴赏
4.Comment on the Image Implication of "Beauty"in Novels from the Angle of Aesthetic Judgement;“佳人”形象之审美观照——才子佳人小说系列研究之五
5.The blank in the text is the best materials for the literature aesthetic education .文本的空白是文学审美教育的最佳材料。
6.A Study on Ecological Environment and Aesthetic Consciousness;论生态环境与审美意识——青海审美文化研究之一
9.The Artistic Conception of Blankness;有无之境——“空”的艺术设计审美意境
10.On Wang Fuzhi s Esthetical Image Theory and Lao Zi s Esthetical World;论王夫之审美意象说与老子美学境界
11.Proper Beauty": the Example and the Highest Form of Rhetoric Beauty Appreciation;“得体美”——修辞审美的最高准则与境界
12.New Tendency of Taste, Arts and Aesthetics in the Discourse of Globalization;全球化语境下的审美、艺术、美学新转向
13.Beauty,Truth,Goodness Under Eastern and Western Cultural Context--A Comparative Study of Keats s and Dao s Aesthetic Sense;东西方文化语境下的美、真、善——济慈审美观与道家审美观的比较研究
14.On the View of the Appreciation of Beautiful of the Perfect Fair Characters in Early Qing Dynasty;无憾的女性审美观——兼论清初才子佳人小说创作心态
15."Eternal Female" and "Spiritual Beauty" :the Female Aesthetic Consciousness under Chinese and Western Cultural Configuration“永恒女性”与“性灵佳人”:中西文化构型下的女性审美意识
16.Material·Beauty Appreciation·Environmental Conscience--Elementary Probe into Modern Metallic Materials Processing Art材质·审美·环境意识——现代金工艺术初探
17.Comparision and Research on the Environment of Chinese, American, and French Government Performance Auditing中、美、法政府绩效审计环境比较研究
18.On the Aesthetic Value of Light and Shadow in Architectural Environment;建筑环境中光与影之审美价值的探讨

aesthetic realm审美境界
1.Zhuangzi s "Aesthetics" cannot be broadly understood to be his philosophy,nor can his aesthetic realm be generalized into his realm of life.庄子的"美学",不可大而化之地等同于其哲学,其审美境界亦不可泛化为人生境界。
2.The three theoretical pillars of the modern enlightenment aesthetics were Kang Youweis philosophy, Yan Fus theory of evolution and Wang Guoweis theory of aesthetic realm.近代启蒙美学的三个理论支点是康有为的哲学、严复的进化论和王国维的审美境界说。
3.It not only probes universal harmony in moral life, but insists on seeking beauty in this kind of harmony, holding that the value of beauty and art lies in that they can promote this unity spiritually and effectively, and hence, advancing into the aesthetic realm and realizing the artistic life become an objective of Confuci.儒家仁学不仅要在道德生活中寻求普遍的和谐 ,而且坚持从这种和谐中去寻找美 ,认为审美和艺术的价值就在于它们能够从精神上有力地促进这种统一的实现 ,进入审美境界、实现艺术人生就成为其人生哲学的目标与归宿。
3)esthetic realm审美境界
1.In Qian Mu’s philosophy of life,esthetic realm is the highest state of moral,fulfillment of benevolence is the pursuit of beauty,life appeal merges with value pursuit perfectly,in the process of which the highest state of a perfect life is appreciated.钱穆从追寻"孔颜乐处"入手,阐发了生生之乐的最高境界之美,在钱穆的人生哲学中,道德的最高境界就是人生的审美境界,对仁心的践履就是对美的追求,人的生命情趣和价值追求完美地融为一体,并在其中体味尽善尽美的人生高境界的乐趣,寻乐就是体乐,可谓乐在其中。
2.He changed his loneliness complex into some esthetic imageries and sublimated it to esthetic realm.孤独情结迫使诗人进行审美创造活动;在艺术表现中,诗人的孤独情结被转换成诗歌审美意象并上升到艺术的审美境界中,孤独情结因此而得以宣泄。
4)aesthetic linguistic审美语境
1.But thinking of life value entering andthe aesthetic linguistic turning purely and holding,will beneficial to ameliorative this kind of condition.在“以人为本”这一教育理念烛照下,当前高校非专业美学教学存在诸多问题,而生命价值思考的加入,审美语境的纯化将有助于改善这种状况。
5)aesthetic context审美语境
1.“Game Theory” in western philosophy offers theoretical foundations for creating aesthetic context of artistic educational classes,which is an effective way to realize the ideal of sharing knowledge and pleasure in.西方哲学中的“游戏说”为营造艺术教育课堂的审美语境提供了理论依据,给出了一种在教学中实现“同知同乐”理想的做法。
6)artistic conception审美意境
1.Finally,tragedy is the superb aesthetic form in the realm of literature,of which the artistic conception is that subject and object become an integrated one.作为文学领域中最高的审美形式,悲剧的审美意境在于主体和客体的差别消失,主体融入客体,让我们在嗟叹老人宿命的同时,又感到强烈的生命力和崇高感。
2.In the first part of the dissertation, I think Buddism is the derivationof the Artistic Conception.在第一部分,本文认为,佛学是审美意境范畴产生的词源学基础。

管理审美心理中介管理审美心理中介aesthetic psychological medium of management  个中介系列里面。 (林兆其撰国巫固审)管理审美心理中介(a es止e桩e psyehologiealmedium of management)学校管理的审美因素到师生员工美感渐成的过渡环节,包含审美感觉、审美知觉和审美表象的和谐运动的系列。从美感效应生成的机制来看,管理者所提供的管理中的审美媒介能否作用于师生员工,要受他们审美的历史层次和心理层次所制约,美感效应就是在与这两个中介层次的交融中形成的。个体的审美心理能力是在人类总体审美实践的历史积淀的基础上,通过后天个人的审美活动实践获得、发展和逐步完善起来,并成为审美心理的深层结构。在某次具体的审美活动中,美感效应的形成是心理组织作用的结果。审美心理中介系列里蕴藏着审美主体的巨大能动性。借助于格式塔心理学派的“场”概念,皮亚杰的S一认T)一R公式,即一定刺激(S)被个体同化认)于认知结构(T)中,才能对刺激(S)作出反应(R),对管理美育中的美感反应过程提出如下公式::TS才AT之R。其中,S是管理中美的信息系统,作为刺激丛作用于师生员工大脑。A代表师生员工(受教者)的心理文化结构。T代表其心理组织功能,包括对刺激的顺应和同化功能。R代表美感效应渐成,即美育功效的生成。管理美育作为一种审美心理活动,其作用的发生及取得的效果,奥秘就隐藏在AT这