直躬,frank and straight
1)frank and straight直躬
1.In ancient times,from Confucius,Zhuang Zi to Lvshichunqiu and Huainanzi,all denied the thing that there is a frank and straight man who testified against his own father for stealing sheep.直躬证父攘羊,在古代从孔子、庄子,到《吕氏春秋》、《淮南子》,都是否定的。
2)ZhiGong indicts his father直躬证父
1.This article aims at a depiction of how the ancient story of "ZhiGong indicts his father" has varied in early Chinese classical works from the perspective of "fact,sign and meaning"Based on an storyline with references in the reality,this story has been developped in multiple narrative orders,from which one can catch a glimpse of various principles of thought at work.本文从"事实、符号与意义"的角度,描述了"直躬证父"的故事在中国早期经典文本中的变化。
3)tilling by himself躬耕
1.On the base of realizing his own natural character,Tao Yuan-ming chose to practise tilling by himself.陶渊明在对自己性分深刻体认的基础上,选择躬耕的生命实践,以儒家德性自励的工夫去实现道家玄远的本体追求,在平实的日常生活中实现返朴归真的人生理想,达到了极高明而道中庸的崇高境界。

1.The Place where ZHUGE Liang cultivated personally lies to "the South of Secondary Capital,the North of Han River;论诸葛亮躬耕“陪京之南,居汉之阳”说
2.On the Geographical Situation of Traffic of Nanyang in Han Dynasty --Also about Strategic Selecting That ZHUGE Liang Cultivated Personally;汉代南阳的交通地理形势——兼论诸葛亮躬耕南阳的战略选择
3.To bow or curtsy.鞠躬鞠躬或行弯身屈膝的鞠躬礼
4.When you bow to somebody next time,“下次鞠躬的时候,
5.He took off his hat and bowed.他脱帽,然後鞠躬。
6.Stephen made a bow. Not a servile one- he will never do that.斯蒂芬鞠了一个躬。这不是一种卑躬屈膝的鞠躬——他绝不会那样做。
7.He abased himself before the general.他在将军面前卑躬屈膝。
8.He never crawls to his superiors.他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。
9.a worker who is obsequious to the boss对老板卑躬屈膝的人.
10.He crawls to his boss他对上司卑躬屈膝。
11.He kowtowed to the regime.他对那政权卑躬屈膝.
12.He cringed before a policeman.他对警察卑躬屈膝。
13.students apple - polishing the teacher;对老师卑躬屈膝的学生;
14.He bowed me out of the meetingroom.他鞠躬把我送出会议室。
15.He made a low bow to the judge.他向法官深深一鞠躬。
16.He wouldn't lower himself to bow.他不肯低声下气鞠躬。
17."She knowed you but she din' bow."她认识你却不向你鞠躬。
18.Incline your body from the waist when you bow.鞠躬时,应低下上半身。

ZhiGong indicts his father直躬证父
1.This article aims at a depiction of how the ancient story of "ZhiGong indicts his father" has varied in early Chinese classical works from the perspective of "fact,sign and meaning"Based on an storyline with references in the reality,this story has been developped in multiple narrative orders,from which one can catch a glimpse of various principles of thought at work.本文从"事实、符号与意义"的角度,描述了"直躬证父"的故事在中国早期经典文本中的变化。
3)tilling by himself躬耕
1.On the base of realizing his own natural character,Tao Yuan-ming chose to practise tilling by himself.陶渊明在对自己性分深刻体认的基础上,选择躬耕的生命实践,以儒家德性自励的工夫去实现道家玄远的本体追求,在平实的日常生活中实现返朴归真的人生理想,达到了极高明而道中庸的崇高境界。
4)Guo Going郭躬
5)take a bow鞠躬
6)bend at the waist躬身

直躬1.以直道立身。 2.指《论语》中提到的证其父攘羊的人。