圣人崇拜,worship of saints
1)worship of saints圣人崇拜
1.In accordance with the historical locus,this paper expounds the appearance,evolution,development and termination of worship of saints,and also enunciates the characteristics and roles of worship of saints.圣人崇拜是中国特有的建立在理性思考上的突破了远古神灵崇拜的一种理性信仰,曾在思想上和政治上主宰了中国社会两千多年,至今仍未失去影响力。

1.On Sage Worship and Its Influences to Chinese Traditional Philosophical Thinking;论圣人崇拜及其对中国传统哲学思维的影响
2.He used the sacraments and venerated the saints.他行使圣事,崇拜圣人。
3.a vessel in which the consecrated Host is exposed for adoration.盛放被人们崇拜的圣体的器皿。
4.The king and his family could worship Aton but the people were meant to worship the pharaoh- the god-king.国王和王室成员能够崇拜太阳神,但人民必须崇拜法老——神圣的国王。
5.One who worships idols.崇神者崇拜偶像的人
6.A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditional to the Eastern Church.圣像基督教神圣或受崇拜的人物的画像,这是东正教的传统
7.An Analysis of the Cult of Saint in Byzantine Empire in the Fourth to Ninth Centuries论公元4-9世纪拜占廷帝国圣徒崇拜
8.They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.他们崇拜梦,崇拜艺术、仪式和娱乐中的神圣。
9.Excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible.《圣经》崇拜对《圣经》文字解释的极度忠实
10.Some people bow to success as to God.有些人崇拜成功如同崇拜上帝一般。
11.The Moor who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca is entitled to high distinction.摩耳人,凡是朝拜过圣地麦加的,就有资格享有崇高称号。
12.Olympia was a sacred place for men only, a place to worship Zeus, the principal Greek god.奥林匹亚是只让男人参加的宗教圣地,是崇拜希腊主神宙斯的地方。
13.On the Conception of Saint Men and Characteristics of Chinese Culture;圣人情结与中华文化特征——兼与基督教世界上帝崇拜比较
14.Excessive veneration or worship of the Virgin Mary.对圣母玛利亚的崇拜对圣母玛利亚的过度尊敬或崇拜
15.On the Royal Cult of Saint Denis in the Medieval France;试论中世纪法国王室的“圣德尼崇拜”
16.will congregate in front of "Shengmuci"(memorial temple of Saint Mother, who is the most respected Goddess of the Dong people), doing sacrifices, singing and dancing.众人跟随其后聚集于"圣母祠"(圣母是他们所崇拜的最高神灵)前进行祭祀与歌舞活动。
17.admire sb greatly,esp without noticing his faults崇拜某人(尤指盲目地).
18.admirers hovering around a celebrity.围着名人的一群崇拜者

China s Worship of Saints中国的圣人崇拜
3)Veneration of Maria圣母崇拜
1.Veneration of Maria and Knight s Courtly Love in Cavalier Literature;圣母崇拜与骑士文学的典雅爱情
4)worshipped saint崇拜的圣
5)Holy Mountain Worship圣山崇拜
1."Holy Mountain Worship"has important influence on ancient Shu civilization.而"圣山崇拜"对古蜀文明有相当大的影响。

圣人田【圣人田】  谓菩萨、缘觉、声闻,出离三界,证悟圣道,具足无量功德智慧,人能恭敬供养,即获胜福,故名圣人田。(三界者,欲界、色界、无色界也。)