宇宙秩序,universe order
1)universe order宇宙秩序
1.Taoism saw social harmony from the level of the universe order.道家是从宇宙秩序层面看待社会和谐的,合道是万物和谐的根本机理。

1.He shows aspects of being a creator god, having set order to the cosmos, and since he was the one who brought water to earth, he was a fertility god as well.他还现身为创造之神,宇宙秩序的创造者。 另外,因为是他将水带到地球,他还是丰收之神。
2.The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.宇宙法则宇宙心灵或灵魂的法则,对宇宙的理性秩序负责
3.Order, proportion, and fitness pervade the universe.秩序、均衡和公理遍及宇宙。
4.The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole.宇宙被认为是一个有秩序和协调的整体的世界
5.Destruction and reconstruction of the order:the cosmic image in King Lear;秩序的毁灭与重建:《李尔王》中的宇宙图景
6.D. H. Lawrence s Birds, Beasts and Flowers : An Invocation for Human Return and Universal Harmony;劳伦斯《鸟·兽·花》:人的复归与宇宙和谐秩序的祈唤
7.Whereas the symbolic universe legitimates the institutional order on the highest level of generality, theorizing about the symbolic universe may be described as, so to speak, legitimation to the second degree.象徵性宇宙在概推的最高层次上正当化制度秩序,而象徵性宇宙的理论化称为次级正当化。
8.Suddenly, the universe restored itself to order, and there we were upright, all in the raft and breathing.突然间,宇宙恢复了秩序,而且我们都立着,全在筏子上,都在呼吸。
9.Without a receptacle, these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion.如果没有一个容器,这些创造性的宇宙射线将引起混乱和无秩序。
10.Worse, Creating order in one corner of the universe always creates more disorder somewhere else.更糟糕的是,在宇宙某一角落创造秩序总会在其他角落引起更多的混乱。
11.God or the universe or whatever one chooses to label the great systems of balance and order does not recognize Earth-time.上帝,或是宇宙,或是不管叫它什么,总之那平衡与秩序的大系统是不承认地球上的时间的。
12.And beyond all that we might hear in it an echo of the law and order that holds our universe in safe balance.除此之外,我们从这句话里面还可以聆听到使宇宙保持平衡状态的法则与秩序的回声。
13.Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe.无理性的,杂乱无章的有关认为人类生活或整个宇宙都是没有秩序和价值的观点的
14.The universe always goes from "order" to "disorder".宇宙总是从“有序”变到“无序”。
15.Procedure: an Essential Movement Rule in the Universe;程序:宇宙间一项不可或缺的运动守则
16.On the Temporal and Spatial Qualities of Order Iconicity in Chinese and English from World View从宇宙观看汉英次序象似的时空特性
17.He was told that the extraterrestrial craft operated on the principles of sequences per cycle.他被告知宇宙的工艺在每个周期次序中运作着。
18.the formless and disordered state of matter before the creation of the cosmos.在宇宙形成前存在地无定形的无序的物质状态。

conform with the universal order融入宇宙秩序
4)color harmony;the order and harmony of the universe.See Synonyms atproportion颜色协调;宇宙的秩序和谐调参见
5)Color harmony; the order and harmony of the universe.颜色协调;宇宙的秩序和谐调
1.Self-similarity model of nonsingular perfect gas universe;非奇异宇宙的理想气体自相似模型
2.A Study on Hardy s Philosophy and Attitude Toward Universe and War in the Dynasts;《群王》中哈代哲理及对宇宙和战争的态度
