以直报怨,Repay harm to righteousness
1)Repay harm to righteousness以直报怨

1.Being clear about love and enmity at another level simply means, "to repay kindness with kindness, and to repay enmity with justice." It does not mean to be lenient with people no matter what.再进一层说,明恩怨,在原则上是要「以德报德;以直报怨」,并不是做没原则的滥好人或乡愿。
2.Give as good as one gets.一报还一报(以德报德,以怨报怨)。
3.quit love with hate以怨报德,恩将仇报
4.The Bible says to requite evil with good.圣经要人们以德报怨。
5.Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。
6.Good for good every man can do; good for bad only a noble man can do .以德报德,人人可为;以德报怨,贤者为之。
7.Those who return evil for good may expect their neighbor's pity to be worn out at last.以怨报德的人,最后将失去邻居的怜悯。
8.My father taught me to render good for evil.我父亲教导我要以德报怨。
9.heap coals of fire on sb.'s head1. 以德报怨使某人深感惭愧
10.He once did her a good turn, but she repaid it with a bad turn.他曾经帮助过她, 而她却以怨报德。
11.No! She may sport with my devotions, repay my services with hate, and repulse my idolatry with scorn, without my having for a moment the right to complain of that angel;不,她要可以玩弄我的感情,以怨报德,对的崇拜不屑一顾。我也根本无权以我的天命有丝毫报怨。
12.MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.宽容。以德报怨,别人冒犯你时要善于容忍。
13.An Argument on “Repaying Ingratitude with Kindness” in Terms of Confucianism and Taoism--A Codiscussion on Its Significance in Modern Society;“以德报怨”儒、道辨——兼论其在现代社会的价值
14.Good for good every man can do, good for bad noly a noble man can do.以德报德,人人能做到;以德报怨只有高尚的人才能办到。
15.Good for good every man can do, Good for bad only a noble man can do.以德报德,人人都能做到;以德报怨只有高尚的人才能办到。
16.requite sb for wrongs, evils, etc向某人报怨、 报仇等
17.Mr. Godfrey-always ready to return good for evil-tried to spare her.高孚利先生--一向是个以德报怨的人--竭力不把伤她心的话说出口来。
18.For many months local residents had been complaining that the building was unsafe, and that it was an accident waiting to happen.几个月以来,当地居民一直在抱怨这栋楼很不安全,早晚会出事。

To take the change out of以怨报怨
3)returning good for evil以德报怨
1.It is necessary and helpful in analyzing some controversial problems such as Chiang Kai-shek policies of returning good for evil, rep.这对于明晰中日关系史上颇有争议的蒋介石的“以德报怨”政策;日俘及侨民遣返;国民政府行之未果的对日派遣占领军计划;以及对日本战后发展有重大影响并一直延续至今的保留天皇制问题和对日索赔问题都是很有必要的。
4)To requite injustice with kindness报怨以德
5)requite kindness with ingratitude; return evil for good以怨报德
6)do [make] gree[古]以德报怨
