寂感,solitude and sense
1)solitude and sense寂感
1.The literati leaded by Sushi put forward their solitude and sense theory which includes three closely related parts recognized as body and function, action and motionless and nature and emotion.苏氏"寂感"说分为体用、动静、性情三个层面,强调主体修为由思而至于无思、"入神"以致用;物我交相感应以至于"忘";性发为情而最终复于性。

1.because it relieves loneliness-爱能解除孤寂感??
2.She feels the miss of her children.她感到没了孩子的寂寞。
3.I get lonesome when you're not here.你不在时我颇感寂寞.
4.He felt his loneliness most keenly on Sunday.星期天他倍感寂寞。
5.Again I was oppressed with the dullness of my family life.我又感到寂寞、烦躁。
6.I just won't like to be alone.我就怕一个人感到寂寞。
7.She felt a sudden pang of profound loneliness.她突然感到一阵痛彻肺腑的寂寞感。
8.That's what's the matter with you."这就是你感到寂寞的原因。”
9.'But she'll be terribly bored, ' said Gaston.“那她一定会感到非常寂寞的,”加斯东说。
10.A feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness.一种寂静的感觉渐渐涌上心头。
11.I was alone,but I did not feel lonely.我虽然孤单,但我不感到寂寞。
12.cause us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear.使我们感到悲伤、寂寞、遗憾、愤怒或恐惧。
13.A tense silence had settled over the waiting crowd.在等候的人群中有一种紧张的寂静感.
14.He may even have been a little lonely at times.他有时甚至感到有点孤寂。
15.This gave him a secure feeling of isolation.这就使他感到有一种难解的孤寂。
16.Tu Wei-yueh felt strangely alone and deserted.屠维岳感到意外的孤寂了。
17.He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated, and very lonely.他感到羞耻,丢尽了脸,非常寂寞凄凉。
18.Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the worst poverty.孤单寂寞与被遗弃感是最惨的贫穷。

quiet sense寂感说
3)breakoff[英]['bre?k,?:f, -,?f][美]['brek,?f, -,ɑf]飞行孤寂感
4)She felt lonely.她感到寂寞。
1.The Basic Signification of Awareness, Quietness and Ren in Xiong Shili s Philosophy;熊十力哲学本体的觉、寂、仁内蕴
6)combination move and awareness with calm and silence动静寂感合一
