哲学史研究,philosophical history studies
1)philosophical history studies哲学史研究

1.The Significance of Hu Shi s "Modern Philosophy" Concept for the Study of Chinese Philosophical History;论胡适“近世哲学”概念对中国哲学史研究的意义
2.Two Tendencies in Studies on History of Chinese Philosophy in New Period;新时期中国哲学史研究的两个“转向”
3.An Access to the Study of Upper Culture- A Research on Hu Shi s History of Philosophy;问鼎上层文化——胡适的哲学史研究
4.Major Achievements of Research in the History of Western Philosophy since the Founding of New China建国以来西方哲学史研究的主要成就
5.Some Reflections on the Methodology in the Study of the Philosophical History of China: A Case Study of the Philosophical Study in the Han Dynasty;对中国哲学史研究方法的一点反思——以汉代哲学研究为例
6."Does as He Likes but Never Oversteps the Rules"--On the Mergence of Study of Philosophical History and Philosophical Thought in Feng Youlan s Late Years;“从心所欲而不逾矩”——论冯友兰晚年哲学史研究与哲学思想的会通
7.The Open-endedness of Kantianism and Some Methodological Issues in the Research of Philosophical History;说不尽的康德哲学——兼论哲学史研究的几个方法论问题
8.Hu Shih as an Example to Explore Modern Research on History of Chinese Philosophy;以胡适为例论现代中国哲学史研究的探索
9.On the Methodological Significance of Feng Qi s Researching into the History of Chinese Modern Philosophy;冯契中国近代哲学史研究的方法论意义
10.That is only studying philosophers.At best it's studying the history of philosophy, not philosophy itself.这只算研究哲学家,至多是研究哲学史,算不得研究哲学。
11.On the Relationship between Philosophy of Technology and Philosophy of Engineering in the Discipline History of Vision;学科史视野中技术哲学与工程哲学关系研究
12.The Study on the Philosophy of History in Vico s "the New Science";维柯《新科学》的历史哲学思想研究
13.On Confucius' Thoughts from the Perspective of Philosophy of History历史哲学视域下的孔子儒学思想研究
14.On Some Philosophical Problems in Historical Researches--Historical Studies and Imagination;论历史研究中一些哲学问题——历史研究与想像力
15.On Mr. ZHU Bo-kun’s Studies on the Historical Outlook of Chinese Philosophy and the History of Chinese Philosophy;论朱伯崑先生的中国哲学史观和中国哲学史的研究
16.History & Philosophy and Historical Study;历史·哲学与史学研究——关于后现代主义思潮下史学研究的几点思考
17.The Historical and Philosophical Paradigm in the Study of Legal System Modernization;论法制现代化研究中的历史哲学研究范式
18.The History of European Philosophy欧洲哲学史(西方哲学史)

studies on history of Chinese philosophy中国哲学史研究
1.Outline the two tendencies of the studies on history of Chinese philosophy:from confrontation be-tween two forces to history of cognition,from history of cognition to metaphysical wisdom.勾勒了新时期中国哲学史研究从"两军对阵"到"认识史"和从"认识史"到"形上智慧"的两个转向。
3)philosophical research on history历史哲学研究
4)philosophical research of educational history教育史哲学研究
5)historical and philosophical paradigm历史哲学研究范式
1.In the study of legal system modernization,historical and philosophical paradigm should be constructed and applied.在进行法制现代化研究时,要构建和运用历史哲学研究范式。
6)study method of the history of Philosophy in China中国哲学史研究方法

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀