毛泽东哲学,Maoist philosophy
1)Maoist philosophy毛泽东哲学

1.Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought毛泽东哲学思想研究
2.On the Origin of Young Mao Zedong's Philosophical Thought in Huxiang School青年毛泽东哲学思想的湖湘学派渊源
3.Features of Using the Past to Bring Forth the New in Philosophy Area from Mao Zedong;论毛泽东哲学思想中的借古开新特色
4.Study of Basic Characteristics of Mao Zedong s Philosophic Thoughts;毛泽东哲学思想的基本特点及其表现
5.LI Da & Formation and Development of MAO Ze-dong s Philosophical Thinking;李达与毛泽东哲学思想的形成和发展
6.The Influence of Mao Ze-dong s Philosophic Thought on Li Da s Philosophic Thinking;毛泽东哲学思想对李达哲学思想的影响
7.Idea of Scientific Development: the Application and Development of Mao Zedong s Thoughs;科学发展观:毛泽东哲学思想的应用和发展
8.Research on Mao Zedong's Thinking Philosophy毛泽东思想哲学研究
9.On Mao Zedong s Administrative Philosophy Thoughts of Apparently Humane Connotation;毛泽东行政哲学思想的人学维度探究
10.A Comparison between the Explicatio ns on Philosophy and Social Sciences by Mao Ze-dong,Deng Xiao-ping and Jiang Ze-min;江泽民与毛泽东、邓小平论哲学社会科学之比较
11.Mao was an ardent student of philosophy.毛泽东是个认真研究哲学的人。
12.Mao Zedong s Philosophical Reflection on Mistake and Its Significance;毛泽东关于错误的哲学思考及其意义
13.A Review of Recent Research in Mao Tze-tung s Practical Philosophy;近年来毛泽东实践哲学思想研究述要
14.A Comparison over the Philosophical Methodologies of Ze-dong Mao and Xiao-ping Deng;毛泽东邓小平哲学方法论思想之比较
15.A Study on Philosophies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in Contrasts;毛泽东、邓小平哲学思想之比较研究
16.Characterisits and Background of Mao Zedong s Philosophy of Feacture;毛泽东“实事求是”哲学的特征及背景
17.Inheritance and Development of Traditional Chinese Philosophy by Mao Zedong毛泽东对中国传统哲学的继承和发展
18.Mao Zedong's Practice Philosophy and Localization毛泽东实践哲学与马克思主义中国化

Mao Zedong's military philosophy毛泽东军事哲学
3)Mao Zedong philosophy thought毛泽东哲学思想
1.Mao Zedong philosophy thought is a Marxist philosophy with Chinese characteristics.毛泽东哲学思想是中国化了的马克思主义哲学。
4)Listening to Mao Zedong s Conversation about Philosophy听毛泽东谈哲学
5)Mao Tsetung's cultural philosophy毛泽东文化哲学
6)Mao Zedong's early philosophy thonght毛泽东早期哲学思想
