解老,explaining Laozi
1)explaining Laozi解老

1.Dong-nothing and Dong-all:on Han Fei s Legalist Elucidation of Lao Zi;无为与无不为——韩非《解老》、《喻老》对《老子》的法家解释
2.On the Writer of Explaining Laocius and Stating Laocius;关于《解老》、《喻老》两篇作者的探讨
3.The Hermeneutic Dimensions of Han Fei Annotation to Lao Zi韩非《解老》《喻老》的诠释学维度
4.The teacher explained the text in detail.老师详细地解释了课文。
5.Jim was booted out without any reason by the boss.吉姆被老板无理解雇了。
6.The teacher explained the difficult points over and over again.老师反复解释难点。
7.The teacher explained the meaning of the word.老师解释那个字的意义。
8.dismiss a teacher辞退老师,解雇教师
9.Talk About Truth and Falsehood --Key to Understanding Gaolaozhuang;说“实”论“虚”——解读《高老庄》
10.The woodsman explained that he served an ancient wood sprite.山林老人解释说,他为一名老树妖干活。
11.The Image of the Old Man in Hemingway s The Old Man and the Sea;解读海明威《老人与海》中的老人形象
12.Research on Lao Zi by Jiang Xichang;蒋锡昌的《老子》研究──解读《老子校诂·序(二)》
13.When the boss fired the man, he was noisy about it老板解雇那人时,老板大声吵大闹/老板解雇那人时,那人大吵大闹
14.By George, he would have to explain this to Hurstwood.老天,他必须跟赫斯渥解释解释。
15.On"The Old Man with Big Wings" with Theory of Deconstruction;对马尔克斯《巨翅老人》的解构主义解读
16.Study on the Pronoun of and 《老乞大谚解》、《朴通事谚解》代词研究
17.In the old and semi-old Liberated Areas the percentage should be even smaller.而在老的和半老的解放区内,此项数目还要减少。
18.Compensate the Gap of Pension Solve the "Bottleneck" of Our Country s Old Age Insurance;弥补养老金缺口破解我国养老保障“瓶颈”

Lao jie lao《老解老》
1.Lao jie lao is the first concordance of Chinese ancient books.《老解老》是中国人最早编纂的汉文古籍语词索引,运用了新兴的汉字逐字索引技术并加以创新,对古籍研究方法和索引技术产生了较大影响,在中国索引学史上占有一席之地。
3)degradation and decomposition老化分解
4)Annotations of LAO-Zi老子解
1.He achieved an elevation of the understanding of ZHUANG Zi as represented in his Annotations of LAO-Zi and Annotations of ZHUANG-Zi.李贽一生思想转变有多次,较大的一次是大衰欲死,翻阅佛经,于生死之原窥见斑点之时,其时间为李贽在姚安太守任上的万历五年秋至万历八年冬;李贽以佛理释老庄,对老庄的理解升华到一个新境界,表现为《老子解》与《庄子解》。
5)explaination of Lao Tzu philosophy老子解读
6)degradation with ageing老化降解
