话语言说方式,speech methods
1)speech methods话语言说方式

1.Brief discussion on Speech Methods of Chinese--From Inadequate Expression to Creation of Images for Full Expression;浅论汉语话语言说方式——从“言不尽意”到“立象以尽意”
2.(of a remark or sb's manner of speaking)expressed in few words;curt(指言语或说话方式)简短的,唐突无礼的
3.The Lexicalization of “ganshuo” and the Zero Form of the Discourse Subject;方言词“敢说”的词汇化与话语主语的零形式
4.New Coinage of the Chinese Expressions and the Synchronic Development of the Chinese Language;从日常话语新方式说到汉语言共时发展问题
5.Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. Time communicates in many ways.时间会说话。它比语言更清楚明白。时间以多种方式表达其意义。
6.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言
7.Difficulty and Way-out in Linguistic Expression:the Way of Linguistic Expression of Zhuangzi;困苦与解脱:《庄子》语言的言说方式
8.Cantonese is the most widely spoken Chinese dialect, though Mandarin, Shanghainese and other Chinese dialects are also spoken, along with the international commercial language of English.最普及的方言是广东话,还有普通话、上海话和其他方言,同时也说国际商业语言英语。
9.On the Discourse and Thought of Qian Zhong-shu on the Classical Style and the Vernacular;从文言、白话看钱学的话语方式和思维特征
10.Linguists theorize about the relationship between the structure of language and the ways in which language is used.语言学家把语言结构及语言运用方式做理论上的说明。
11.In the aspect of language philosophy, image is a kind of metaphorical discourse.在语言哲学层面,意象是一种隐喻的话语方式。
12.Compare on Language Thought Pattern and Chinese-Western Context & Conversation Style;语言思维差异与中西语境会话方式之比较
13.Anti-grand and Ridicule Speech--Deconstruction of Discourse in Wang Xiao bo′s Literary Essays;“反堂皇”的调侃语言——王小波杂文话语方式解构
14.The classical Chinese gong-an novel: Words of scholar of one kind with unique form;文言公案小说:一种形式独特的文人话语
15.Because Luo' s family uses English and the Taishan dialect, Luo JIA-Hui cannot speak Mandarin.他们的家庭语言是英语和台山方言,所以骆家辉不会说普通话。
16.Discourse Analysis: Cultural Choices in Literary Expressions;话语分析:文学言说中的文化选择——语言批评方法论之一
17.On the New Speech Patterns in the Information Age--About the Traits of Network Language;信息时代新兴的言说方式——简析网络语言的特点
18.Bumping Against the Edge of Language --How does Lao Zi say the Dao;对语言边界的撞击——《老子》对"道"的言说方式初探

Words and speech语话言说
3)ways of speaking说话方式
5)way of expression言说方式
1.The subject of Bai Juyi s allegorical poems presents an obvious corresponding relation to his way of expression.在白居易讽谕诗的主题与言说方式之间,有着明显的对应关系:除少数颂美作品采用模仿章表体"对君言"的第二人称形式外,其他"规刺"之作均采用基本一致的客观叙事形式,这既是文体限制和创作惯例使然,也是作者采取的一种明智的修辞策略。
2.Poetry is a special way of expression.在晚清至“五四”这一新旧交替的历史时期,诗歌在语言和体式到底经历了怎样一个“过渡”的历史?决定诗歌变化的外在原因和内在机制是什么? 本文倾向于把“诗歌”看成一种“言说方式”(“说话方式”),不过,这是一种特殊的言说方式,它并不直接满足人的意义诉求,更不直接等同于现实,而是在具体的“语言”形态和特定的“形式”机制中间接呈现“经验”的现实。
6)words of free hand全权话语言说

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