人物品鉴,The current of evaluating of individuals
1)The current of evaluating of individuals人物品鉴
1.The current of evaluating of individuals is aesthetics:take Ren wu zhi for example;人物品鉴风潮之美学意味初探——从《人物志》谈起

1.Research on Prediction Culture in Ancient Times--Characters’ Assessments in Records of the Historian;《史记》预测文化研究:以人物品鉴为例
2.The current of evaluating of individuals is aesthetics:take Ren wu zhi for example;人物品鉴风潮之美学意味初探——从《人物志》谈起
3.The Theory and Ethos of Character Judgement in Lian Cong Zi and the End of Eastern Han《连丛子》人物品鉴理论与汉末人物评论之风
4.On the Relationship of the Character Judge and the Literature Criticism in Wei and Jin Dynasty;魏晋南北朝时期人物品鉴与文学批评的关系
5.Aesthetic Tropism about Sizing Up Personality of Han and Wei --Comparing of Epigraph Cai Yong Writing and Liu Shao’s < Personality Records>;汉魏人物品鉴的审美取向——蔡邕所撰碑文与刘邵《人物志》的比较
6.On "Qing"'s Development from Person Evaluation to Poetic Criticism论“清”从人物品藻到诗文品鉴的流变
7.Aesthetic Nature(Shen Yun):From the Judgment of the Human Relationship Ethics in the Late Han Dynasty to the Art Work Figures Appreciation in the Wei & Jin Dynasties;神韵:从汉末人伦鉴识到魏晋人物品藻
8.someone who samples food or drink for its quality.鉴定食物或饮料样品质量的人。
9.A new virtuoso has come to the fore.已成为显赫人物的新艺术品鉴赏家
10.Identify. Identify single feature of psionic item.鉴定术:鉴识灵能物品的其中一项特性。
11.Sage 750 +6 to Identify Item and Identify Monster skills.贤哲750+6的物品鉴定技能和怪物鉴定技能。
12.Guozhenyu, Luoyang, Henan, experts identified heritage, heritage crafts experts engaged in15 years of heritage.河南洛阳人,文物鉴定专家,文物工艺品专家,从事文物工作15年,华夏工艺创始人。
13.9 The item will now have the properties of the first Item you identified along with new mods.现在你新鉴定的物品将有你第一次鉴定的物品的属性。
14.Human Mind Behind Human Behavior--On the Description of Marketplace Life in Beauties in the Precious Mirror;以世情鉴人心——浅说《品花宝鉴》关于市井的描写
15.authenticated standard drug of abuse, sample of经鉴定的滥用药物标准样品
16.The Design and Implementation of Information Management System for Identification of New Varieties of Plants;植物新品种鉴定信息管理系统的研建
17.Tourism Products Development Benefiting from Experiences of Southeast Asia;借鉴东南亚经验开发我国旅游购物品
18.The Kingdom of Eastern Wu s using system of household tax collected in kind by nine grades for reference and its innovation shown in the bamboo slips of the Kingdom of Eastern Wu;吴简“户调分为九品收物”的借鉴与创新

article discrimination物品鉴别
3)Crop variety identification作物品种鉴定
4)the identification of new varieties of plants植物新品种鉴定
5)bioassay of drug药品生物鉴定
6)private goods私人物品
1.On basis of analyzing the quality of media products,this article discusses the corresponding management strategies of media industry,and draws some conclusions as follows:In terms of material form,broadcasting and wireless TV are public goods;Cable TV,digital TV and network are semi-public goods;Newspapers and magazines are private goods.在分析媒介产品属性的基础上,探讨了媒介产业相应的经营策略,得到了以下主要结论:在物质形态上,广播及无线电视是公共物品,有线电视、数字电视及网络媒体是准公共物品,报纸及杂志是私人物品,媒介产品承载的内容是公共物品,媒介产品集聚的“注意力资源”是私人物品;加快新闻信息的发布,增强新闻信息内容的独特性是所有媒体经营的策略、目标和方向。
2.Some news media are public goods,while more are private goods.新闻媒介大多数是私人物品。
3.In the information-intensive society,theelectronic information technical standard has appeared asprivate goods in the IT field.在信息社会中,信息产业领域已经出现了作为私人物品的电子信息技术标准。

品鉴1.亦作"品鉴"。 2.评定鉴别。