心本论,the naturalistic idea of mind
1)the naturalistic idea of mind心本论
1.He discussed problem of kinds of nature minds and definition of moral concept and so on, from the relationship of morality and knowledge, human s essence, energy and spirit, self-modesty self-satisfaction, heaven and mind and so on, on the one hand, it developed ontological aspect of conscience theory, on the other hand it reflected characteristics of the naturalistic idea of min他从德与知、精气神的关系,以及自谦与自慊、天与心等方面对各种心性、道德概念的定义、修养的方法等问题进行了探讨,一方面拓展了良知说的本体论面相,另一方面也体现了他的心本论的特征。
2)"heart" ontology"心"本体论
3)temperament ontology心性本体论
1.Compares the main point of his philosophy ideology to the character of the Confucianism theory,and analyzes the meanings an influence of his temperament ontology.针对学术界对周敦颐评价的几个问题,审视周敦颐之前的儒家心性论是否有本体论的根基,对其哲学思想的主旨并与儒家的理论特点进行对比,进而分析周敦颐心性本体论思想的意义和作用。

1.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
2.Rediscuss the Meanings of the Temperamental Ontology of Zhou Dun Yi to the Transition of Song Confucianism;论周敦颐之心性本体论对儒学宋代转型的意义
3.we think that explaining is superficial,not deep and exact disclose connotation of yijing, therefore, we attempt to systematic explain yijing from two point of view, nature reality theory and acquaintanceship methodology.因此,我们试图从禅宗的心性本体论和认识方法论两个视角对意境理论进行系统全面的解读。
4.Therefore the Zen nature reality theory is the radicle cause of Chinese aesthetics prejudiced inner hearty verve and emrty taste.所以,禅宗的心性本体论是中国美学偏于内向化、心灵化、偏于神韵、境界的追求的根因所在。
5.Universality and Individuality of the “Original Mind”--A Universalistic Orientation in Xiong Shili s Philosophy;“本心”的普遍性与个体性——论熊十力哲学的普遍主义取向
6.Universe Ontology·Reason Ontology·Anthropology Ontology ──New Exploration on the Evolvement of Western Tragedy Theory;宇宙本体论·理性本体论·人类学本体论——西方悲剧理论嬗变新探
7.The Harmonious Rational Mode of the Chinese Buddhism--The Merit Ontology Beginning from the "Heart";中国佛教的和谐理性模式——从“心”开始的功德本体论
8.Studies of the Symbolic Experience of Hell and Heaven in Fushide;二重心理结构的本原——论《浮士德》中地狱和天堂的象征性体验
9.Childlike Innocence,Sincerity,and Buddhist Compassion:The Ontological Valeue of Chen Ruixian s Writing and Art Works;童心·真心·佛心——论《陈瑞献选集》的本体价值
10.On "KU Based on Benefit" in Mencius;论“故者以利为本”——以孟子心性论为参照
11.The ontology possesses inherent consistency with human nature.本体论与人的本性具有内在的一致性。
12.Wish-centered Moral Education:the Subjective Aspiration of People-centered Moral Education in Colleges and Universities心本德育:高校人本德育的主体性诉求
13.On Noumenon of Marxism Humanism Rational Philosophy--Noumenon of Human Individualistic Life论马克思人本理性哲学的本体论——人的个体生命本体论
14.Experience:The Core of Chinese Contemporary Prose Noumenon;体验:中国现当代散文本体性的核心
15.On Socialism Core Value System s Essential Feature;论社会主义核心价值体系的基本特征
16.The Spirit of Utopia: the Core of Marx’s Ontology of Manology;乌托邦精神:马克思人学本体论的核心
17.On the Theoretical Default of the Article "Style Determined by One s Nature" in The Literature Mind and the Carving of Dragon;论《文心雕龙·体性》篇的“理论缺省”
18.The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;辩证性——关联理论的翻译本体论阐释

"heart" ontology"心"本体论
3)temperament ontology心性本体论
1.Compares the main point of his philosophy ideology to the character of the Confucianism theory,and analyzes the meanings an influence of his temperament ontology.针对学术界对周敦颐评价的几个问题,审视周敦颐之前的儒家心性论是否有本体论的根基,对其哲学思想的主旨并与儒家的理论特点进行对比,进而分析周敦颐心性本体论思想的意义和作用。
4)basic psychological thoughts基本心理论
5)On the Mental Essence论心理的本质
6)humanistic psychology methodology人本主义心理学方法论
