性其情,xing should predominate qing
1)xing should predominate qing性其情
1.He suggested xing should predominate qing and advocated the sage contain qing ,which made the sage get rid from the bondage of god,and appear in front of common people with a living posture.在《老子注》、《周易注》、《论语释疑》中,王弼有意地运用这一学术方法,来重新思考人类内在自然本性与外在情感的关系,提出了"性其情"学说;进而,他以此为前提,倡言"圣人有情"说;使圣人从神的枷锁中摆脱出来,以活生生的人的姿态展示于世人面前。
2)To investigate and acquire the aspects of an affairs廉得其情
3)Carefully consider one's situation廉察其情
4)His case deserves sympathy.其情可悯。

1.There is something a trifle pathetic about his final query.最后一问,其情可悯。
2.Arousing or deserving of pity or compassion;lamentable.可怜的引起或值得同情、怜悯的;令人怜悯的
3.He could not help having compassion for the poor creature.他情不自禁地怜悯起那个可怜的人来。
4.The feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so aroused.悲悯一种引起怜悯或同情的感情
5.The homeless beggar looked to him as a merciful guardian who punished the heartless, and delighted to reward pity and sympathy.无家可归的乞丐把他当作仁慈的保护神,希望他给予同情和怜悯。
6.His constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion.他终日陷在深不可测的悲哀之中,使我对他不胜同情和怜悯。
7.Lack of pity or compassion.不人道没有同情或怜悯
8.the feeling that motivates compassion.引起怜悯的那种感情。
9.Pity is a lever for quickening love.怜悯是加速爱情的手段。
10.She is moved with pity/compassion.她为怜悯之情所动。
11.Pity melted her heart.怜悯之情使她心软了.
12.the pathetic sight of starving children饥童悲惨可悯的样子
13.It is better to err on the side of mercy.宁可失之过于怜悯。
14.For Edward she felt much compassion; for Lucy very little, and it cost her some pains to procure that little.她对爱德华满怀同情,对露茜的同情是微乎其微的,为了保持这一点怜悯,她得忍受若干痛苦。
15.His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity.其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。
16.The sight of him filled her with a womanly sympathy.一看到他,她心中就涌起同情怜悯之情。
17.The girl had aroused his pity and alarm by her passionate avowals of love and equally passionate threats of suicide.这位姑娘以狂热的爱情誓言和同样狂热的自杀威胁使柴可夫斯基感到怜悯和焦虑。
18.inhumaneness evidenced by an unwillingness to be kind or forgiving.没有同情怜悯的迹象而显露残忍。

To investigate and acquire the aspects of an affairs廉得其情
3)Carefully consider one's situation廉察其情
4)His case deserves sympathy.其情可悯。
5)other things其他事情
6)Hamam The Turkish Bath情浴土耳其

性善情恶  中国古代关于人性的一种重要观点。西汉哲学家董仲舒用阴阳观念来阐明人性的性质,区分贪、仁两种人性。他还以仁性为性,贪性为情,含有性善情恶的思想倾向。唐代哲学家李翱在《复性书》中,明确提出性善情恶的观点,认为"人之性皆善",而"情者,性之邪也"。又说:"性者,天之命也,圣人得之而不惑者也;情者,性之动也,百姓溺之而不知其本者也。"性善是天赋的,圣人能够保持先天的本性,而不惑于情;普通百姓则为情所惑,丧失了原来的本性。性是纯粹至善的,情是惑性、害性的。由此进而提出灭情复性,以成圣人的主张。宋代邵雍也有性善情恶的思想。他主张性是无私而清明的,情是偏蔽而昏暗的。性善情恶的观点和佛教的心性学说相通,具有僧侣主义色彩,曾受到王安石等人的批评。