圣贤气象,Saints Manner
1)Saints Manner圣贤气象
1."Personages Style" of Wei&Jin Dynasty and "Saints Manner" of Song Dynasty are two different types of ideal personalities; therefore, they differ greatly in value orientation, ideological resources and so on.魏晋"名士风度"与宋代"圣贤气象"是不同的理想人格类型,它们在价值取向、思想资源等方面存在明显区别。

1.Ideological system of "Personages Style" and "Saints Manner";论“名士风度”与“圣贤气象”的思想脉络
2.The Sag′s Style ----A study on the Jin-si-lu which was witten by Chu Hsi and Lu Zu-qian;论“圣贤气象”——宋代朱熹、吕祖谦《近思录》研究之一
3.Near a sage, you have changed your climate.在一名圣贤近旁,你改变了你的气候。
4.Influence of China s Saint-Oriented Culture on Its National Aesthetic Images;略论中国圣贤文化对民族审美意象的影响
5.Analysis on the Confucianist Sages Appearing in the Historical Novels Written in the 1930s浅析20世纪30年代历史小说中的儒道圣贤形象
6.Kit was disposed to be out of temper, as the best of us are too often.吉特原是打算发一阵脾气的,这也是圣贤难免的事。
7.They are philosophers.他们是有学问的圣贤.
8.He is obviously a gangster, but he pretends to be a saint.分明是强盗,却要装圣贤。
9.Chinese orthodox literature expressly aimed at expressing the minds of the sages and not the minds of the authors and was therefore dead; the hsingling school of literature aims at expressing the minds of the authors and not the minds of the sages, and is therefore alive.古来文学有圣贤而无我,故死,性灵文学有我而无圣贤,故生。
10.We're not all saints in this business.在这种业务工作中我们不是圣贤。
11.I am not an oracle; I do not have a solution to everything我不是圣贤,不能解决所有的问题
12.I am not an oracle; I don't have a solution to everything.我不是圣贤,不能解决所有的问题。
13.Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window; the whole mind is concentrated on the sages' books (said, usu. disapprovingly, of one who is absorbed in study and oblivious of his surroundings).两耳不闻窗外事, 一心只读圣贤书。
14.These men were the Magi of the Bible.这三个人就是圣经中的三贤士。
15.The sage gave advice to his friends.那位圣贤向他的朋友提出忠告。
16.It has been borne in upon him that even sages err.他认识到:即使圣贤也会犯错误。
17.Reading all the good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.“读好书就如与古圣先贤对谈一样。”
18.The Sage at the Walden Pond:Thoreau and Confucianism瓦尔登湖畔的圣贤:梭罗与孔孟之道

the idea of sages and persons of virtue圣贤观
1.It shows in the idea of sages and persons of virtue that it respects both Confucius and Laozi,but considering confucius to be wiser than Laoz.在本体论上表现为道本儒末,体用一如等特征,在圣贤观上既孔老同尊,又认为孔子高于老子,孔为圣老为贤。
3)admiring sages and men of virtue始慕圣贤
1.Most researchers think that the development of Wang Yangming s Academics changed from being sunk in the art of writing to admiring sages and men of virtue,however,Wang Yangming regarded the art of writing as a way of being sages and men of virtue.关于王阳明的为学历程,多认为有从"溺于辞章"到"始慕圣贤"一变,但王阳明其实是把辞章当作"作圣贤"的用功途径,在王阳明看来,读书中举,学习辞章,乃至学工学农,都是可以使自己成为圣贤的方法。
4)oracle's saving of the world圣贤救世
5)saint oriented culture圣贤文化
1.All the spiritual and cultural phenomena in the Chinese fendal society are stamped with the brand of this saint oriented culture.中国两千多年的封建社会文化是一种圣贤文化 ,中国封建社会的各种精神文化现象都打上了这种圣贤文化的烙印 ,民族审美意象作为民族精神力量的肯定性象征 ,同样积淀了由这种圣贤文化形成的民族文化心
