君臣观念,The Monarch-Officials Ideas
1)The Monarch-Officials Ideas君臣观念

1.On the Change of the Monarch-Officials Ideas during Tang-Song Period;从“君臣之义”到“君臣道合”——论唐宋时期君臣观念的发展
2.A Study of Zhen Guan Monarch and His Subjects Literary Thinking from the Perspective of Eight Annals Compiled in Tang Dynasty;从唐修“八史”文苑传看贞观君臣的文学思想
3.Thoughts of Governing Officials in Han Fei Zi in Han Fei's Thoughts of Relation between Supreme Rulers and Officials从韩非的君臣观中看《韩非子》的治吏思想
4.Duke Ting asked how a ruler should employ his ministers and how a minister should serve his ruler. Confucius replied, saying: "The prince employs his ministers with propriety; the ministers serve their prince with good faith."9定公问:「君使臣,臣事君,如之何」孔子对曰:「君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。」
5.The Value Orientation and Intrinsic Nature of Traditional "Peopleoriented" Theory from Zhenguan Monarchy从贞观君臣重民思想看传统民本思想的价值取向与内在本质
6.Confucius Opinion about“Gentleman”And the Newly Published Bamboo Book of “people’Parents”;上博简《民之父母》与孔子的“君子”观念
7.loyal subjects of our sovereign我们君主的忠诚臣民
8.The Taboo of the Monarch and the Danger of the Subject --The Alienated State of the Relationship Between the Monarch and the Subject in the Novels of Tang Dynasty;君忌而臣危——论唐人小说中君臣关系的异化形态
9.The obligations of a vassal to a lord.臣服义务臣子对君主应尽的义务
10.Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.臣服的臣民被限制向领主或君主臣服和服役的臣民
11.The Statement to the Conception of Loyalty and the Consciousness of Hardship of the Scholar-bureaucrat in the Han Dynasty;试论两汉士大夫的忠君观念与忧患意识
12.If only, he argued, sons would behave filially, fathers paternally, kings royally and subjects loyally, all would be well with the world.他说只要能做到君君臣臣父父子子,那世界上的一切都会很美好。
13.The Concept of Practising Calligraphy after the Copybook in the Cultural Circle of"TongCheng-YangHu" / the Circle of Wu DeXuan and BaoShiChen;"桐城-阳湖"文化圈的帖学观念——以包世臣、吴德旋交游为中心
14.If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.君王若听谎言,他一切臣仆都是奸恶。
15.He be a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主
16.He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject.他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主。
17.A wise king would not want his officials to lick his spittle.贤明的君主不会要臣下阿谀逢迎。
18.Territory Unification: Attempt to Discuss Fate of the Emperors and Officials of the Previous Dynasties in the Early Period of the Song Dynasty;江山一统:试论宋初前代君臣的命运

opinions on the relations between the emperor and ministers君臣观
1.Si Maqian expressed his opinions on the relations between the emperor and ministers through his descriptions in his works Records of the Grand Historian.在倾注了自己一生心血所著的《史记》中,司马迁通过对不同君臣关系的描写,表达了他的君臣观。
3)Zhenguan Jun-chen贞观君臣
1.This article first discussed the ideas of Zhenguan Jun-chen in the country, and the attitude of the people in that period, as well as people\'s real-life.本文首先从民本思想进行讨论,考察贞观君臣在治国理念中对民众的态度以及实际生活中的措施。
4)subject's idea臣民观念
5)idea of loyality忠君观念
1.In fact,Ji Kang was the defender and practicer to the idea of loyality.不仅如此,他还是儒家忠君观念的维护者和实践者,他的忠君观念具有深厚的儒家思想底蕴,而孔孟的"以道事君"、"从道不从君"等思想正是其忠君观念的思想源流和主旨。
6)Concept on Monarch君主观念

君臣佐使君臣佐使principals, associates, adjuvants and messengers 君臣佐使(Prineipals,assoeiates,adjuvantsand messengers)古人对方剂组成原则的归纳。又称主辅佐使。它体现了方剂的结构和药物配伍的主从关系。《黄帝内经·素问》中说:“主病之谓君,佐君之谓臣,应臣之谓使。” 君药针对病因或主证起主要治疗作用的药物。又称主药。 臣药辅助主药,以加强治疗作用的药物。又称辅药。 佐药有三方面的作用。一是用于治疗兼证或次要证候;二是制约主药的毒性或烈性,也就是“因主药之偏而为监制之用”的意思;三是用作反佐,即在温热剂中加入少量寒凉药,或于寒凉剂中加入少许温热药,以消除病势拒药(“格拒不纳,’)的现象,也就是“因病气之甚而为从治之用”的意思。 使药方中的引经药,或协调、缓和药性的药物。以主治脾,湿阻的平,徽为例,方中的苍术性温而燥,除湿运脾,为君药.厚朴助苍术行气化扭,并能除满,为臣药;陈皮理气化滞为佐药、甘草甘缓和中,调和诸药,加生姜、大枣调和脾胃,均为使药。 一般君药用t多,药力大;其他药的用,和药力则相对较小。有人甚至强调,药t的多寡是区分君、臣.佐,使的主要依据。如李东垣在《脾胃论》中说:“君药分量最多,臣药次之,佐药又次之,不可令臣过于君。君臣有序,相互宜摄,则可以御邪除病矣。” 至于一个方剂中,君、臣、佐、使各药药味的多少,《黄帝内经·素问》中说:‘’君一臣二,制之小也。君一臣三佐五,制之中也;君一臣三佐九,制之大也。”“君一臣.二,奇之制也;君二臣四,偶之制也。”但并非定数,应根据辨证立方需要而灵活配伍。 方剂中君臣佐使的药味划分,是为了使处方者在组方时注意药物的配伍和主次关系,并非死板的格式。有些方剂,药味很少,其中的君药或臣药本身就兼有佐使作用,则不再另配伍佐使药。有些方剂,根据病情需要,只须区分药味的主次即可,不必都按君臣佐使的结构排列。 (张克家)