物吾与也,Things That Are My Kinds
1)Things That Are My Kinds物吾与也
1."Things That Are Subject" and "Things That Are My Kinds"——A Comparison between Marcuse s and Zhang Zai s Ecological Ethics;“物是主体”与“物吾与也”——马尔库塞与张载生态伦理观比较分析

1."Things That Are Subject" and "Things That Are My Kinds"--A Comparison between Marcuse s and Zhang Zai s Ecological Ethics;“物是主体”与“物吾与也”——马尔库塞与张载生态伦理观比较分析
2.The people are my Brothers, the creation is part of me民吾同胞,物吾与焉
3.Is not one of us; is not my disciple非吾同类,非吾徒也
4.At first I used to listen to what people said and expect them to act accordingly. Now I listen to what people say and watch what they do. I learned this from Yu."子曰:「始吾于人也,听其言而信其行;今吾于人也,听其言而观其行。于予与改是。」
5."My life is limited, while knowledge is limitless.""吾生也有崖, 而知也无崖"
6.On the Relation of Marxism and Engles Philosophy: Discussion with Differentiation Theory of Professor Yu Wujin;也谈马克思哲学与恩格斯哲学的关系——与俞吾金教授的“差异论”商榷
7.I Examine Myself Critically" and "I Detach Myself from Worldly Desires":Two Routes of Activities of Artistic Psychology;“吾省吾”与“吾丧我”——两种艺术心理活动路径
8.Confucius said: "I can talk with Hui for a whole day without him differing with me in any way- as if he is stupid. But when he retires and I observe his personal affairs, it is quite clear that he is not stupid."9子曰:「吾与回言终日,不违,如愚。退儿省其私,亦足以发,回也不愚。」
9.All I want is to bring together two or three intimate friends and have a little drink, and not go to the dinners of rich and important people.吾辈只望与三数友人小酌,不愿赴贵人盛宴,以其小拘牵故也。
10.On the Differences between Engels’ and Marx’s Thoughts in Philosophy --Reading Theses, End and Yu Wujin’s Differences;也论恩格斯与马克思哲学思想的差异——读《提纲》、《终结》和俞吾金的《差异》
11.Evolvement of Uygur Letters and Uygur Teaching Materials;维吾尔文字演变与维吾尔文教材探析
12.Mutual Reaction Between My Country and my People and Western Discourse on image of Chinese;《吾国吾民》与西方“中国形象”话语的互动
13.The Cross-cultural Elements in My Country and My People《吾国与吾民》中跨文化交际因素探究
14.After the book was published, he once said, "Posterity will know me from this book. They may also condemn me for it."他曾这样说过: 后世之人,“知吾者《春秋》也,罪吾者《春秋》也”。
15.There were two periods during which Lu Xun and I were on close terms, and two periods during which we were estranged. These situations arose entirely naturally -- they had nothing to do with any sense of rivalry between us.鲁迅与我相得者二次,疏离者二次,其即其离,皆出自然,非吾于鲁迅有轩轾于其间也。
16.which treasure I bequeath and leave en...tire to him as my sole heir.此项宝藏吾全部遗赠与吾之惟一继承人。
17.An Interpretation of My Country and My People as a Response to Chinese Characteristics;解释与回应:从《中国人的性格》看《吾国吾民》
18.George said weakly,"Maybe Carlson lost his gun."乔治支吾说,“也许卡尔森把枪丢了。”

About "I ll Praise Dian"关于"吾与点也"
3)My Country and My People《吾国与吾民》
1.A New Image of China——An analysis of the revised edition of My Country and My People by Lin Yutang;焕然一新的中国形象——浅析林语堂对《吾国与吾民》的增订
2.Lin Yu- tang constructed his image of Chinese in My Country and my People.林语堂在《吾国与吾民》中建构的“中国形象”与西方“中国形象”话语谱系有着明显的联系与区别。
4)For Me and My Gal吾爱与我
5)The theory of Bi-unforgottable things and I物吾两忘论
1.Such as:"The theory of Bi-unforgottable things and I", "The Tri-division Theory","The theory of the ruling and dominating over objective principle","The theory of contemporary Chinese philosophy conscientiously going to the humanism".譬如 :“物吾两忘论” ,否认主体与客体的对立统一关系 ,否认马克思主义哲学是认识世界和改造世界的认识论和方法论的知识体系 ;“三分说”否认理论联系实际的基本原则 ;“主宰和支配客观规律说”片面夸大人的主观能动作用 ;“当代中国哲学自觉走向人学论”企图用人学来取代马克思主义哲学在当代中国的指导地位。
1.The Differences between the First Personal Pronoun "Wu" and "Wo" in "Lao Zi";《老子》中的“吾”“我”指代辨析
