自然说,Nature Views
1)Nature Views自然说
1.The wellspring of ideas of the Nature Views in Chinese Classical Poetics;论中国古代诗论自然说的特征

1.Tentative Analyse of the Difference between Wei Jing "New Naturism" and Natural Aesthetics魏晋“新自然说”与自然审美观研究
2.He laughed unnaturally.说完,不自然地笑。
3.theory of natural selection自然选择学说 自然选择学说
4.The old man said with all his serenity.老人泰然自若地说。
5.Of course I can speak Mandarin.中国话我自然会说。
6.of or relating to autogenesis.属于或关于自然发生说。
7.She spoke quite naturally and easily.她说得非常的大方,自然。
8.Speaking comes natural to him.他的演说流畅而自然。
9."And everything is gone from me, speech goes, and reading, Leaving the single unison."澹然离言说, 悟悦心自足。
10.She speaks English with very natural intonation.她说英语, 语调很自然。
11."We can let go now," I said, "I'm not talking about giving up."我们现在顺其自然,"我说,"我不说放弃。
12.He spoke naturally, in Sicilian dialect.他说话的神态自然,说的是西西里方言。
13.Lend an Attentive Ear to Nature:On the Ecological Esthetics of the 20th Century s Countryside Novel;倾听自然:20世纪乡土小说中的自然生态美学
14.Awe Nature and Love Life--Nature and Man in Hong Ke′s Novels;敬畏自然热爱生命——红柯小说中的人与自然
15.Natural Dialectics: The Theory of the Relationship between Marxism and Nature;自然辩证法:马克思主义人与自然关系的学说
16.Say you say me,say it for always,that`s the way it should be; Say you say me,say it together,naturally.<Say you say me>说你说我,永恒地说,这就是生活; 说你说我,一起来说,自然地...
17.On Guo Moruo s Modern Poetics;“自我表现”说与“自然流露”说──郭沫若的现代诗论
18.Epistemologically, freedom could be divided into" pre-necessity" freedom and" post-necessity" freedom.我们平常所说的自由,是“后必然”自由,即认识必然性之后的自由。

the theory of nature law自然法学说
3)theory of natural condition自然状态说
4)"self-revelation" theory"自然流露"说
5)theory of natural matter自然物质说
6)theory of natural harmony自然和谐说

自然利率说  维可塞尔的自然利率说:资本供给和需求相等,也就是储蓄和投资相等时的利率就是自然利率。自然利率对物价保持中立,相当于资本的预期收益率,也就是保持适度投资规模的利率。货币利率是现实市场的利率,也就是资金供求均衡的利率。两种利率相等是实现经济均衡的重要条件。但货币利率常与自然利率背离,从而导致经济波动。