思想个性,ideological personality
1)ideological personality思想个性
1.Probe into composition of Feng Menglong s ideological personality and the world of reasons in his Stories from a Ming Collection;冯梦龙的思想个性构成与“三言”的情理世界微探
2)view of individual education个性化教育思想

1.On Individualized Education of the Existentialism and Its Contemporary Value;存在主义的个性化教育思想及其现代启示
2.The ideological personality education in society;社会化环境中的思想政治个性化教育
3.A Study on Jaspers Education Thought in Individualized Teaching;个性化教学中的雅斯贝尔斯教育思想研究
4.Use of Conversation to College Students Personalization in Ideological and Political Education;“谈话法”在大学生个性化思想政治教育中的运用
5.Probe into the Dilemmas and Reasons of College Ideological and Political Education in the Personal Age个性化时代高校思想政治教育困境及原因探析
6.Improve Ideological Education in Adult Education in Colleges and Universities with Individuality Theory and Flexible Administration;以个性理论和柔性管理的方法强化高校成人教育的思想教育工作
7.Nurturing of Human Nature as an Educational Mission in the Globalization Age--A Key Idea in Learning to Exist;人性教育:全球化时代的教育使命——兼论《学会生存》中的一个重要思想
8.The Cultural Nature and Choice of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育的文化本性与文化选择
9.Ideological Education in Colleges and universifies uader the multi-Culture and High Individuality Current;论多元文化趋势与强度个性化趋势中的高校思想教育
10.On Strengthening Ideological and Political Education of College Students;强化大学生思想政治教育的三个观念
11.Strengthen Ideology Education for College Students through the Four Educations;加强大学生“四个教育”,深化学生思想教育工作
12.On Ideological and Political Education and Individuality Model of University Students;论思想政治教育与大学生的个性塑造
13.To Deal with Ideological Education of Students with Mastery of Their Individual psychology;掌握学生个性心理,做好思想教育工作
14.Ideological and political education of the human personality and contemporary culture论思想政治教育与当代人的个性培养
15.Mao Zedong's individuality education and its value to ideological and political education毛泽东的个性教育思想及其对思想政治教育的价值
16.On Humanistic Education in the Ideological and Political Education论高校思想政治教育工作中的人性化教育
17.A Research into the Humanization of Ideological & Political Education and the Relevance Principles;思想政治教育人性化及相关原则研究
18.A Brief Talk of Scientific Character and Modernizationof Ideological and Political Education;刍议思想政治教育的科学性与现代化

view of individual education个性化教育思想
3)thinking of personal education个性教育思想
4)individual thought training个体性思想修养
5)intercrossed novelist思想文化个性
6)thought of"Individual""个"的思想
1.He set the thought of“Individual”as core, on the foundation of inheriting former Luxun research who carried through the self-reflection to Japan’s aggressive behavior, constructed his own research system by using the cultural viewpoint and the comparative method.伊藤虎丸先生是日本战后著名的鲁迅研究家之一,他以“个”的思想为核心,在继承以往鲁迅研究者对日本的侵略行为进行自我反思的态度的基础上,运用文化的观点和比较的方法建构了自己的研究体系,因而有“伊藤鲁迅”之称。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j