诸子哲学,Pre-Qin thinkers philosophy thought
1)Pre-Qin thinkers philosophy thought诸子哲学

1.The Studies on Zhuzi Philosophy in Pre-qin Days and Dynastic Legends in Early China of Sarah Allan论艾兰的先秦诸子哲学和古史传说研究
2.The Inheriting and Transforming to the Tradition by Various Schools of Philosophical Thoughts in Pre-Qin Times;先秦诸子哲学对宗教传统的继承与转化
3.Yin Yang and the Five Elements-"Original Philosophy" Before the Previous learners;阴阳五行——诸子前的“原初哲学”
4.Yin Yang and the Five Elements-“Original Philosophy”Before the Previous learners;阴阳五行──诸子前的“原初哲学”
5.Masters Studies and Logic:Cornerstone and Benchmark in the Establishment of Chinese Philosophy;诸子学与论理学:中国哲学建构的基石与尺度
6.Research on the Theory of Human Nature in Huangdi Neijing and the Related Doctrine of Pre-Qin Philosophers《黄帝内经》哲学中的人性论与先秦诸子相关学说研究
7.Tacit Consciousness and Implicit Expression--On the Speech Way and the Philosophy Background of the Pre-Qin Thinkers Prose;幽玄与暗示——先秦诸子散文的言说方式及其哲学背景探微
8.The Interaction and Development of Each Sub-programmes under the Several Quantum Field Theory;量子场论总纲领下诸竞争子纲领的互动与发展——从科学哲学和辩证法的眼光来看
9.On the Hermeneutics of the Zhouyi in Philosophical Perspective;哲学视域中《周易》诠释诸问题刍议
10.Political Philosophy Basis of Social Security: Justice Principles;社会保障的政治哲学基础:正义诸原则
11.Analysis on Ambiguous Philosophical Interpretations of “Taking People as Foundation”;对“以人为本”诸多歧义的哲学分析
12.Study of the Ancient History with the Writing Method of Philosophers: Discussion on Prof. Lai Chen’s Research on the Prehistory of the Thoughts of Confucianism and Zhuzi;“以哲学家的写法作古史的研究”——陈来先生儒学及诸子学思想史前史研究述略
13.Philosophers Study of Han Dynasty and Their Learning --Also on Philosophers of Han Dynasty and Study of Confucian Classics;汉代诸子学与汉代学术——兼评《汉代诸子与经学》
14.Roger T.Ames Explaination of Confucianism and Syncretization between Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy;安乐哲孔子哲学研究与中西哲学会通
15.The Chinese Philosophical Scholarship:Lost in the Fallacy of "Argumentum ad consequentiam";迷失在“诉诸后果”谬误中的中国哲学学术
16.The Regression Value of Philosophic Study of Culture to the Theoretical Points of Maxism Philosophy;文化的哲学研究对马克思主义哲学诸理论观点的回归价值
17.Analytic Philosophy Transcends Subjective Philosophy Half;分析哲学对主体性哲学的半截子超越
18.Comparison Between the philosophy of Zhuang Zi and Spinoza;斯宾诺莎哲学与庄子哲学的比较研究

Zhuzi philosophy in Pre-qin Days先秦诸子哲学
3)thoughts of the philosophers诸子哲理
4)historical studies of the philosophers诸子史学
5)various schools of thought诸子学说
6)Pre-Qin scholars Xue Ji诸子学记
1.One was Pre-Qin scholars Xue Ji,the other was teachers of Confucian classics Xue Ji.中国古代的学记基本上有两种,一种是诸子学记,一种是经师学记。
