民本观,serving for the people
1)serving for the people民本观
1.The official apothegms of ancient times bring us beneficial enlightenment to set up “serving for the people”.中国古代的“官箴”中不乏进步合理的因素,许多箴言值得我们认真总结、批判继承和发扬,其中的“民本观”对于我们全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,坚持立党为公、执政为民,具有十分宝贵的借鉴意义。

1.Dialectical analysis of the Chinese traditional comcept of "people as the center";略论中国传统“民本观”的现代价值
2.An Exploration of Views of Civil Law Standard;民法本位观探正——质疑民法社会本位说
3.On Jiang Zoning s People - oriented Educational and Talented Viewpoint;谈江泽民“以人为本”的教育观和人才观
4.Insisting on the Three Basic Viewpoints for People s Interests by the Party;坚持党的人民利益观的三个基本观点
5.On People-focused Thought in Jiang Zemin s Development Concept;简析江泽民发展观中的人民本位思想
6.Being People-oriented: Fundamental Idea in Deng Xiaoping s Development Concept;以人民为本:邓小平发展观的根本理念
7.Research of Historical Viewpoint on People-Oriented, People Thought and Humanism;民本思想、人本主义与以人为本的历史观探究
8.A Comparison of the New Democracy Cultural Theory and the Chinese-Centered Cultural Theory;新民主主义文化观与中国本位文化观比较审视
9.Media Spectacle、Democracy of Consumption and the Logic of Capital;媒体奇观、“消费民主”与“资本”的逻辑
10.People Coreing-the Value of Politics and the Moderntimes Meanness on RU;民本—儒家政治价值观念及其现代意义
11.The Analysis of Energy Strategy in China Based on Harmonious Standpoint;基于民本和谐观的中国能源战略研究
12.“Text” of Oral History;口传的历史“文本”——黎族民间文学概观
13.On Civil-Foundation in the Deng Xiao-ping s outlook development Theory;邓小平发展观中的“民本”思想探析
14.The unified headspring of service and law enforcement comes from administrative values of taking citizen as basis and taking people as basis.服务与执法统一的基础是公民本位或人民本位的行政价值观。
15.The Value Orientation and Intrinsic Nature of Traditional "Peopleoriented" Theory from Zhenguan Monarchy从贞观君臣重民思想看传统民本思想的价值取向与内在本质
16.Setting up the Idea of the People Foundation and Persisting on Law Enforcement for the People;树民本思想 促进观念革新 谋利民之策 坚持执法为民
17.Marxist-Leninist Views on Nationalism;试论马列主义关于民族主义的基本观点
18.The suddenly looking back--Article analysis upon the law watches of the People s Government of North China;蓦然回首——华北人民政府法律观的文本分析

people-oriented idea民本观念
1.The people-oriented idea is an important concept in Confucianism and it gives considerable emphasis to the citizens and the ruler self-discipline.民本观念是儒家传统文化中的重要概念,其内涵强调重民、责民、养民,要求统治者自律,蕴涵着较为先进的法律文化。
3)economic view of the people民本经济观
1.The peaceful view of pre-Coufucianism is an ideological system which consists of three aspects,namely the view of fight with “benevolence”,harmonious view and economic view of the people,and it is a big peaceful view including heaven and human being,others and me,things and me,collective and individual.先秦儒家的和平观是由“仁战”观、和谐观和民本经济观所构成的三位一体的思想文化体系,是涵盖天人、人我、物我、群己的大和平观,其中的“忠恕”、温良、平和、宽容及其在交往中所展示出来的与人为善的和睦友好风采等则是它的精神灵魂,并始终透显着浓郁的人文关怀气象。
4)people-oriented legal viewpoint民本法律观
1.In our country,the ancient people-oriented legal viewpoint attached importance to the power from people,but it ignored the personal interest.中国古代民本法律观重视民众力量,但忽视了个人利益。
5)standard views of people人民本位观
6)national selfish departmentalism民族本位观念

李观民李观民 李观民   宋代医家。履贯欠详。知医,辑《集效方》一卷,未见行世。