儒家理想人格,the ideal personality of Confucianism
1)the ideal personality of Confucianism儒家理想人格
1.In order to cultivate more and more successors,we should bond the ideal personality of Confucianism with th.儒家理想人格是儒家整个思想体系的重要内容,其睿智的人生哲理对当代大学生的人生观教育具有启迪作用。

1.The Perfection of Ideal Personalities of the Confucians Prior to the Qin Dynasty and the Perfection of Contemporary Personalities;先秦儒家理想人格与现代人格的完善
2.The Comparative Research between Humanstic Healthy Personality and Confucian Ideal Personality人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格的比较研究
3.The Revelations of the Ideal Personality of Confucianism to the Contemporary Student s Outlook on Life;儒家理想人格对当代大学生人生观的启示
4.Nobility in Sadness--Analysis of Qiao Feng s Confucian Personality;悲怆中的崇高——浅析乔峰的儒家理想人格
5.On the defects of ideal personality of the Confucian school and their transition in modern times;略论儒家理想人格的缺失及其近代转换
6.Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding;先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造
7.The Theory of Confucian Perfect Personality and Administration Personality;儒家理想人格理念对我国行政人格的历史影响及其启示意义
8.The Revelation of the Theory of Ideal Personality of Confucianism of Pre-Qin to the Construction of Personality of Harmonious Society;先秦儒家理想人格理论对和谐社会人格建构的启示
9.The Construction of Confucian Ideal Personality and Comtemporary Moral Personality儒家的理想人格与当代道德人格建构
10.Being Sage Inside and Being Kingly Outside": The Historical Evolvement of Confucian Ideal Personality;“内圣外王”:儒家人格理想的历史演变
11.The Way to the Gentlemen Personality:Walk Up to Ideal Personality of Confucianism;君子之道:走向传统儒家的理想人格
12."Formation in Yue":the Highest Personal and Political Ideal of Confucianism“成于乐”是儒家最高的人格理想与政治理想
13.On the perfect personality and the value of Confucian;论儒学思想家的理想人格及其德育价值
14.Brief Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Pre-Qin Confucian Thinking of the Character Education;先秦儒家人格教育思想的理论基础论略
15.On the Contributions of the Pre-Qin Confucian Personality Thought to the Modern Psychological Research;先秦儒家的人格思想对心理学研究的价值
16.Confucianism Personality Thought:Theoretic Origin of the Chinese Social Work;儒家人格思想:中国社会工作本土化的理论渊源
17.On ideal theory of personality of the Confucianists and the development of present age university students personality;儒家的理想人格理论与当代大学生健全人格的培养
18.Gentleman personality" is one of the ideal personality modes which all Confucians have been pursuing and adoring.君子人格"是历代儒家孜孜以求和推崇的理想人格模式之一。

Confucianism personality thought儒家人格思想
3)Confucian Personality Theory儒家人格理论
1.The Historical Transmutation of Confucian Personality Theory;儒家人格理论的历史嬗变
5)Confucian personality儒家人格
1.By analyzing this image, the paper attempts to reveal this aesthetic feature and the connotations of his Confucian personality.当今时代,要求我们运用唯物主义史观和辩证唯物主义思想“扬弃”地对待儒家人格理念。
2.The origin and development of Metaphysics under the Confucianism s background is essentially the metaphysicization of the Confucian personality.本文从人格理论及实践的角度研究魏晋玄学与儒学的关系 ,认为儒学背景下的玄学发生及演进实质上是儒家人格的玄学化。
3.The classical writings in the middle school Chinese textbooks contain much Confucian personality ideology that can be drawn on as excellent materials for quality education in middle schools.中学语文教材所选录的古典诗文之中,包蕴着丰富的儒家人格思想,是我们今天对中学生进行素质教育的极好的思想资源及精神营养。
6)the personality of new Confucianism新儒家人格
