"神主形从"说,"concept of principal spirit and subordinate form"
1)"concept of principal spirit and subordinate form""神主形从"说
1.Since Huainanzi has inherited and developed Taoism in the pre-Qin period in terms of philosophical thinking and music theory,the article expounds on two concepts in the masterpiece,that is,the "concept of principal spirit and subordinate form" and the "concept of music form and spirit".秉承于先秦道家的《淮南子》,无论在哲学思想上,还是在音乐理论上,均是对道家思想的继承,并有进一步的发展,主要体现在“神主形从”说及其对音乐形神的论述中。
2)constitution mentality doctrine形神学说
1.The paper also demonstrates the strategic significance of the constitution mentality doctrine in the exploration of new treatment for sub health, with reference to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in regulating the whole body and its dialectical theo.从形与神的辩证统一 ,以及亚健康状态与心理障碍的相互因果关系出发 ,分析了西医学与现代临床心理学在该领域的不足 ,进而从中医学长于调整状态之优势及中医形神学说“治神以形 ,治形以神”的辨证体系出发 ,论证了形神学说在亚健康状态调治中的重要意

1.Exploration of New Treatment for Sub-health State Based on Constitution-Mentality Doctrine;试论形神学说在亚健康状态调治中的意义
2.Combination of Image and Spirit, Unity of Inside and Outside──Yin Yang and Martial Art;武术“形神兼备、内外合一”与阴阳学说之关系
3.The doctrine that there is no God or gods.无神论学说无上帝或神存在的学说
4.The academic mystery is a subgenre of the mystery novel.学术性神秘小说是神秘小说的一种
5.Shi shuo xin yu express people s spirit by describing the natural scenery;论《世说新语》的以形写神贵神明——借景物以衬神明
6.From the Theory of "Spirit being Main and Appearance being Auxiliary" to the Theory of " Spirit being Sole and Appearance being Neglected"--BE on the Change of Taoist Appearance-spirit Theory从“神主形从”说到“略貌取神”观——道家形神观在汉魏六朝之变迁
7.theory of types of higher nervous activity高级神经活动类型学说
8.The philosophy reflected in the Hindu epics is the doctrine of the avatar (incarnation of Vishnu or God as an animal or a human form).印度史诗的哲学体系反映出阿瓦塔的学说(毗瑟奴或神作为动物或人形的化身)。
9.Apollo and Dionysus: Nietzsche s Dualistic Theory of Artistic Impulse;日神和酒神:尼采的二元艺术冲动学说
10.On Holy Words--Chinese Literature and "Myth History"神圣言说——从汉语文学发生看“神话历史”
11.How do we describe the Olympic spirit by using a sentence?用一句话来形容奥 运精神该怎么说?
12.The Successful Paragon of Shape-spirit Theory in Modern and Contemporary Novels;现当代小说运用形神理论的成功典范
13.Bird s Eye View on the Development of Appearance and Air of Classic Chinese Literary Theory;中国古代文论中形神论及其发展浅说
14.The "Form-Spirit" perspective and its Influence of the People s Talkings in New Language;《世说新语》中的"形神"观及其影响
15.Appearance and Spirit: the Harmonious Beauty in Garment Description in Ancient Chinese Novels;形·神——中国古代小说服饰描写的和谐美
16.He has evolved a new theory.他已形成了一种新学说。
17.The Departure from Revolutionary Spirit in May 4th Literature--An analysis of male chauvinism from the images of females in Lao She s novel in 1930s;五四文学革命精神的疏离者——从老舍三十年代小说的女性形象分析其男权意识
18."Nothing" of Metaphysics--The Philosophy Mysticism Searches Micro of the Laozi;“无”之形而上学——《老子》哲学神秘主义探微

constitution mentality doctrine形神学说
1.The paper also demonstrates the strategic significance of the constitution mentality doctrine in the exploration of new treatment for sub health, with reference to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in regulating the whole body and its dialectical theo.从形与神的辩证统一 ,以及亚健康状态与心理障碍的相互因果关系出发 ,分析了西医学与现代临床心理学在该领域的不足 ,进而从中医学长于调整状态之优势及中医形神学说“治神以形 ,治形以神”的辨证体系出发 ,论证了形神学说在亚健康状态调治中的重要意
3)theory of "the image and the spirit"形神说
1.Thus,the theory of "the image and the spirit" has established its own academic position.形与神是每个中国画家十分关注的极为重要的两个问题,因此古人提出"以形写神"理论,荀子提出的"形具而神生"最终确立了"形神说"的学术位置。
1.Firstly the architecture of RAMS s computing and electronic control system were given,and then the design of software system was discussed including the realization of HPI bootload function and that of DSP software under both master-slave control mode and PC-control mode.介绍了机器人的计算机与电子控制系统之体系结构,阐述了软件系统的设计,给出HPI引导加载功能的实现,讨论了主从和PC控制的工作模式下多轴运动控制DSP软件的实现细节。
2.In recent years, master-slave telecontrol robotics has become the research focus in the robot control and application fields.主从遥控机械手的目的就是通过主手去控制远处的从手,以完成作业任务。
1.The Design of USB Host/Slave Interface in Embedded Systems Based on ARM;基于ARM的嵌入式USB主/从接口设计
6)illustrative clause说明从句
