乾嘉学术,Qian-Jia Science
1)Qian-Jia Science乾嘉学术
1.All Knowledge are Rooted in Literature——The Relation between Rao Zongyi s Research Experiments and Qian-Jia Science;一切学问皆根植于文学——饶宗颐治学经验与乾嘉学术之关系

1.Wang Xue and the Textual Research during the Qianjia Era(1736-1820)乾嘉学术的新理路:关于王学与乾嘉学术关系问题的讨论
2.All Knowledge are Rooted in Literature--The Relation between Rao Zongyi s Research Experiments and Qian-Jia Science;一切学问皆根植于文学——饶宗颐治学经验与乾嘉学术之关系
3.Integration of Two Learning Styles in Wang Mingsheng s Historical Studies;乾嘉学术两种风格的统一——略论王鸣盛的治史特点
4.The Academic Principle and Practices of the Han-Learning School during Qianlong and Jianqing Periods:Dai Zhen and Ruan Yuan乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析——以戴震、阮元为中心
5.Promoting Talents: ZHU Jun s Academic Exchanges and Textology in Qian-Jia Period of Qing Dynasty;“称人之善,唯恐不及”:朱筠学术交游与清代乾嘉朴学风气的形成
6.A fruitful gain in the study of the academic research on the Qing Dynasty--Commenting on Researches on School of Thoughts in Qianlong and Jiaqing Times by Chen Zu-wu;清代学术史研究的又一可喜收获——评陈祖武《乾嘉学派研究》
7.Qian-Jia Textual Scholars Views on Women;乾嘉考据学者的妇女观——关于乾嘉考据学者义理观的探讨之二
8.Masters love knot of Su,Ou and "Mufu" literature in QianJia Reign;乾嘉时期幕主的欧、苏情结与幕府文学
9.On Cultural Significance of the Thriving of the Study in Schools of Thought in the Qing Dynasty;试论清代乾嘉诸子学兴起的文化意义
10.Theory of Six Confucian Classics Being History and The Criticism of Textual Research from Zhang Xue-cheng;“六经皆史”与章学诚对乾嘉考据学风的反思
11.The Influence of Qian-Jia School s Diplomatology on the New Historical Diplomatology in the 20th Century;乾嘉考据学派对20世纪新历史考据学的影响
12.Continuous mass campaign --On the forming of Sinology ethos in “Qianjia”;继续的群众运动——试论乾嘉朴学风气的形成
13.Studies of the Reasons for the Constructing of Qian ha School s Textual Criticism in the 20~(th) Century and Problems Concerned;20世纪的乾嘉考据学成因研究及存在的问题
14.The Tradition of Making Study Serve Practical Purposes and the Historiography in Qianlong and Jiaqing Period经世致用传统与乾嘉时期的历史编纂学
15.How Occidental Learning had Influenced the Textology in the Reigns of Qiang Long and Jia Qing--Taking Qian Da-xin as an Example;西学究竟在多大程度上影响了乾嘉考据学——以钱大昕为例
16.On the Miao Rebellions in Yongzhen-Qianlong Periods and Qianlong-Jiaqing Periods from the Perspective of Cultural Dissemination;文明传播视野下的雍乾、乾嘉苗民起义
17.An Academic Review on the Study of "High Qing" With a World Eye;全球视野下康乾盛世研究学术史回顾
18.He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis.对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。

Qian Jia school乾嘉学派
1.The succession that Chen Yinke to Qian Jia School陈寅恪对乾嘉学派的继承
2.Qian Jia School is one of the most important schools of thought in the development of the Chinese systematic learning.:乾嘉学派是中国学术发展史上一个重要的流派。
3)the Qian-jia School乾嘉学派
1.Having played an active role on China s stage of learning in the 18th and 19th century, the Qian-jia School extended its influence to the mid 20th century.在中国学术史上,乾嘉学派活跃于18、19两个世纪间的学术舞台,其影响所及,迄于20世纪中而犹存。
2.The root cause to lead up to this thing,which provides food for our thought, lies in the defects of the Qian-Jia School in the style of study and the thodology of science, as well as the influences of the School on the academic circles of China in the past two .产生这一令人深思的问题之根源在于,乾嘉学派在学风和科学方法论方面所存在的缺陷,以及该学派对过去两个世纪的中国学术界的影响。
4)the Han Learning in Qianjia period乾嘉汉学
1.He showed respect for He Xiu and his studies because, on the one hand, the ruler of Qing Dynasty promoted the New Text Scholarship; on the other hand, the Han Learning in Qianjia period was under attack.这是因为 :一方面 ,清朝统治者赞许今文经学 ;另一方面 ,乾嘉汉学盛极而衰并遭到了攻击。
5)Confucian classics in the Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns乾嘉经学
1.This article comments on the thoughts about Confucian classics of Jiao Xun, Ruan Yuan, Ling Tingcan, and explains that the study of Confucian classics in the Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns was set up as the opposite of Lixue (the rationalistic Confucian School) in the Song and Ming Dynasty which indulged in empty talk about mind.本文评析焦循、阮元、凌廷堪的经学思想 ,并说明清代乾嘉经学乃是反对宋明理学“空谈心性”而创建的经世之学。
6)academic atmosphere in the periods of Emperors Qianlong乾嘉学风

阿嘉·罗桑嘉央嘉措《藏传佛教高僧传略》【阿嘉·罗桑嘉央嘉措《藏传佛教高僧传略》】  ——塔尔寺寺主  阿塞,罗桑嘉央嘉措,意为“善慧妙音海”,于藏历第十三绕迥之土鼠年(1768年,清乾隆十三年)出生在青海贵德郭米贺尔加庄。  三世阿嘉被认定为二世阿嘉之转世灵童后,迎至塔尔寺坐床,学经于塔尔寺。年稍长,去西藏,在拉萨色拉寺从高僧学习佛教经典,其间,八世达赖喇嘛强白嘉措曾授予他“额尔德尼班智达”称号。木蛇年(1785年)进京觐见乾隆皇帝,受到乾隆帝的礼遇,被册封为“驻京呼图克图”,“禅师”,历任雍和宫掌印札萨克喇嘛和蒙古多伦诺尔掌印喇嘛。火兔年(1807年),任塔尔寺第四十任法台。上任不到一年,受外蒙古迎请去库伦(今乌兰巴托),任四世哲布尊丹巴罗桑图登旺秀晋美嘉措(1775-1813)的经师。金羊年(1811年,清嘉庆十六年)加封“诺门汗”名号,遂称阿嘉呼图克图。木狗年(1811年)返回塔尔寺,1816年修葺塔尔寺大金塔、大经堂等。当年圆寂于塔尔寺,终年47岁。  (根据网上资料编辑)