德性培养,virtual education
1)virtual education德性培养
2)On Cultivation of Moral Integrity论德性的培养
3)Moral training道德培养
4)Net virtuous development网德培养
5)fostering teachers morality师德培养

1.Based on people constract the new mode of fostering teachers virtue;以人为本 构建师德培养的新模式
2.On Fostering the Morality of Middle and Primary School Teachers in Further Education;也谈中小学教师继续教育中的师德培养
3.The Trend of Teaching Staff Construction in Higher Vocational Education in China from the View of Teaching Staff Cultivation Model in Germany;德国师资培养模式对我国高职师资培养的启示
4.The History and the Current Situation of Teachers Training for Vocational Education in Germany;德国职业教育教师培养的历史和现状
5.A Study on Teachers Morality Innovation & Quality Cultivation Universities in New Era;新时期高校师德观念创新与教师素质培养
6.Affection Training is the Point of Contact to Build Good Teaching Morale and Custom;培养爱心是创建良好师德师风的切入点
7.Strengthening the Moral Education of Teachers-College Students and Forstering High Qualified Teachers;加强师范生道德素质教育 培养高素质师资
8.The Way to Foster the Occupational Morality of the New Teachers in the Primary and Middle Schools of Rural Areas in the Visual Angle of Continuing Education;农村中小学新任教师职业道德修养的培养
9.The Cultivating and Training of Vocational Teachers in Germany and Its Inspiration for China--Centered on Agricultural Vocational Teachers;德国职业教师培养培训及其对我国的启示——以农业职业教师为中心
10.Review on Germany s Teacher Development and Teacher Training;严格的教师职业教育——德国的师资培养和教师进修评介
11.On the Quality Cultivation of the Professional Morality for the Normal University Students in the Transitional Time;论社会转型期高师学生职业道德素质的培养
12.Probe into Fostering Students Innovating Ability in Ideological and Moral Educators;思想品德课教师培养学生创新能力初探
13.Germanic Teacher s Training and the Revelation for China s Basic Education;德国中小学教师的职前培养及对我国的启示
14.An Inquiry Into the Teaching of the Ideological and Moral Course and the Development of the Teacher Self-Qualities;思想品德课教学与教师自身素质培养探析
15.Thought moral fiber and training qualified students;教师思想道德素质对培养合格人才的影响
16.Analyzing on German Vocational Education Teachers Cultivation and Continual Edeucational Models;德国职教师资培养与继续教育模式分析
17.A Discussion on the Effective Means of Cultivating ideological and Moral Standard of College Teachers and Students;浅谈培养高师生思想品德素质的有效途径
18.Research of the Training of Ideological and Ethical Qualities of Normal College Students师范专业大学生思想道德素质培养研究

On Cultivation of Moral Integrity论德性的培养
3)Moral training道德培养
4)Net virtuous development网德培养
5)fostering teachers morality师德培养
6)Personal Character Cultivate品德培养

德性1.指人的自然至诚之性。 2.品性;品质。 3.方言。指不入眼的模样﹑品行。含有轻蔑意。