黔中王门,WANG Yang-ming's student of central Guizhou
1)WANG Yang-ming's student of central Guizhou黔中王门
2)central Guizhou黔中
1.Floristic characteristics of aquatic bryophytes and their biokarst deposition types at waterfalls in central Guizhou, China;黔中瀑布水生苔藓植物区系及其生物喀斯特沉积生态类型研究
2.The Late Sinian microbiolite and its phosphorus enrichment in Central Guizhou Province;黔中晚震旦世微生物岩及其磷的富集
3.Species Composition and Diversity in the Process of Natural Succession of Karst Vegetation in Central Guizhou:Case Study of Puding Country in Guizhou;黔中喀斯特植被自然演替过程中物种组成及多样性研究——以贵州省普定县为例

1.Studies on the Floristics of Karst Nature Forests between Southern and Central Areas in Guizhou Province,China黔南和黔中喀斯特天然林植物区系研究
2.Determination of unconventional uranium in samples from central-southeastern Guizhou by MUA利用MUA型微量铀分析仪测量黔中—黔东南地区非常规铀
3.“Double Thinking”, a Phenomenon in the Folk Music of Central Guizhou Province;黔中地区民族音乐中的“双思维”现象
4.On the Tourism Development of Tunpu Culture in Anshun;黔中安顺屯堡文化旅游开发初步研究
5.Dealing with Qianzhong Jun of the Chu State and the Qin State-- Concurrently Discussing Qu Yuan’s Death Year;楚、秦黔中郡略论——兼论屈原之卒年
6.The simple analysis of the Wei,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period of Guizhou culture魏晋南北朝时期黔中文化的发展状况
7.Geochemical characteristics of Carboniferous bauxite deposits in central Guizhou southern Sichuan黔中—川南石炭纪铝土矿的地球化学特征
8.Studies on Structure and Function of Shrub Layer of Karst Forest in Guizhou Provincial Center Mountainous Area, China;黔中喀斯特山地森林灌木层结构与功能研究
9.Impact on Soil Anti-erosion and Soil Anti-scour by Vegetation and Litho Logical Character in the Center Area of Guizhou;黔中植被和岩性对土壤抗蚀抗冲性的影响
10.Study of Investigation to Humanity at Present of Yi Region of North-west Guizhou Province--Yi Culture of North-west Guizhou Province in Field黔西北彝区当下人文考察研究——田野中的黔西北彝族文化
11.A Study of Depositional System of the Devonian System in South Guizhou-Central Guangxi黔南—桂中地区泥盆系沉积体系研究
12.The Research on the Technique of Designing a Business Center in the Distrct of Miao Minotity of Qiandongnan黔东南苗族地区的商业中心设计研究
13.The Roadbed Karst Improvement in Qianguixian Constructs the Application路基岩溶整治在黔桂线施工中的应用
14.Current Situation of Dry Lands with Middle-low Yield and Its Utilization Countermeasure in Qianxinan Prefecture黔西南州中低产旱地现状及利用对策
15.Deep Feelings of 40 Years in the Mountains of Guizhou-- Wang Zhenzhong s teaching and creation of Chinese painting in Guizhou Province;情满黔山40秋——王振中先生中国画教学与创作谈
16.The Investigation of Content of Pesticide Residue in Main Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine in Guizhou黔产主要中成药中农药残留的调查研究
17.Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine Manufactured in Guizhou Province黔产中成药中有机氯农药残留量的测定
18.A Research into the True Cost of Immigration of "Power Transmission from Guizhou to Guangdong“黔电送粤”中水电真实移民成本问题研究

central Guizhou黔中
1.Floristic characteristics of aquatic bryophytes and their biokarst deposition types at waterfalls in central Guizhou, China;黔中瀑布水生苔藓植物区系及其生物喀斯特沉积生态类型研究
2.The Late Sinian microbiolite and its phosphorus enrichment in Central Guizhou Province;黔中晚震旦世微生物岩及其磷的富集
3.Species Composition and Diversity in the Process of Natural Succession of Karst Vegetation in Central Guizhou:Case Study of Puding Country in Guizhou;黔中喀斯特植被自然演替过程中物种组成及多样性研究——以贵州省普定县为例
3)Central Guizhou黔中地区
1.Eco-environmental sensitivity evaluation of Central Guizhou Province based on GIS technique;GIS支持下的黔中地区生态环境敏感性评估
2.The chemical data from different kinds of waters in the central Guizhou showed that the spring water from the carbonate rock cracks (crack water) presented neutrality or meta alkalinity and Ca II.黔中地区是岩溶作用发育的喀斯特区域。
4)Qianzhong uplift黔中隆起
1.A study of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions in Qianzhong uplift and its adjacent areas;黔中隆起及周缘地区下组合含油气流体包裹体研究
2.Fission Track Analysis of Meso-Cenozoic Uplift and Denudation in Jinsha Area, the Qianzhong Uplift黔中隆起金沙地区中新生代隆升剥蚀的裂变径迹分析
3.Based on the study of the main petroleum geologic features, burial history, thermal history and pooling conditions of the typical fossil oil reservoirs and residual oil and gas pools in the Qianzhong uplift and the adjacent areas, this paper gives clear definitions of fossil oil pool and residual oil and gas pools, and discusses their modes and patterns of hydrocarbon pooling.通过对黔中隆起及其周缘地区典型古油藏和残余油气藏的石油地质主要特征、埋藏史、热史与成藏条件等进行分析研究,明确了古油藏和残余油气藏的含义,探讨了古油藏和残余油气藏的油气成藏模式和油气成藏规律。
5)Central Guizhou Uplift黔中隆起
1.Marine Lower Assemblage and exploration prospect of Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas;黔中隆起及其周缘地区海相下组合与油气勘探前景
6)central Guizhou southern Sichuan黔中-川南

王中Wang Zhong王中  国报刊主编、 新闻教育家、 新闻学家。原名单□。山东高密人。1914年 6月18日生。山东大学外文系肄业。1936年参加中华民族解放先锋队。1937年在山东参加中国共产党领导的抗日武装斗争。1938年 1月参加中国共产党。1940年起,历任山东《大众日报》通讯部副部长、《农民报》和《鲁中日报》总编辑、新华通讯社山东分社编辑主任、济南 《 新民主报 》 编辑主任。1949年参加上海新闻出版系统的接管工作,任华东新闻学院教务长。1950~1957年在复旦大学任政治理论教学委员会主任、新闻系主任、新闻理论课教授和副教务长。1979年后重任复旦大学新闻系主任,并任复旦大学分校校长、国务院学位委员会文学学科评议组成员、博士研究生导师、上海市新闻学会副会长和中国新闻教育学会副会长。王中长期从事新闻理论研究工作。1956年所著《新闻学原理大纲》,曾提出新闻事业不是阶级斗争的产物,而是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物;报纸在阶级社会里具有两重性, 既具有阶级性又具有商品性;办报要重视读者的需要等论点。中国共产党第十一届三中全会以后,继续发表文章,进一步阐述并充实自己的学术观点。著有《新闻学论集》等。   (葛迟胤)