政治合法化,legalization of politics
1)legalization of politics政治合法化
1.This paper remarks on the hearing system from such six aspects as political participation,political democracy,political culture,socialization of politics,legalization of politics and political development and expounds the theoretical basis and validity of exercising hearing on executive decisionmaking.本文将从政治参与、政治民主、政治文化、政治社会化、政治合法化、政治发展六个方面对其进行论述,阐明对行政决策进行听证的理论基础及合理性。
2)legalization of political governance政治统治的合法化
3)legalization of the politics政治法治化
1.The development of the socialistic political civilization in China must be based on law and the legalization of the politics should be realized.政治文明与法治存在着密切联系,政治文明是法治得以建立的重要条件和坚强 支柱;法治是政治文明的核心内容和有力保障;中国建设社会主义政治文明,必须以法治为根本,实现政治法治化。
4)legalization of China's party politics政党政治法治化
1.Taking the cooperative medical-care system as an example,the ruling party and government tend to maintain political stability and broaden legitimacy foundation by means of establishing social welfare system and rebuilding public goods supplying system.当前中国政治合法性建设有两种发展路径:福利政治与权利政治。
2.It has no clear ideology but with a government programme for national independence and economic development, and has experienced a process from legitimacy to crisis.发展型威权政体在政治合法性方面大致经历了从正当到危机的过程。
3.From the perspective of the term“legitimacy”defined in political science,this p aper holds that,among all other politica l legitimacy sources,governing ach ievements and relatively in-dependent ideologies play an very im portant role.以江泽民同志关于“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以政治学意义的“合法性”理论为观察视角,阐明在执政党政治合法性的来源中,执政的现实绩效与意识形态之间良性互动的极其重要性。

1.The Comparison and Research of CPC and CPSU from the Perspective of the Political Legitimacy;中苏执政党政治合法性基础比较研究
2.The Discuss in the Relation of Right Political Achivement and Political Validity;正确的政绩观与政治合法性关系探讨
3.The Research about Mao Zedong's Views on Political Development from the Political Legitimacy;政治合法性视野中的毛泽东政治发展观研究
4.Three Representations and Political Civilization: Two Strong Wings of Political Legitimacy;“三个代表”与政治文明:构筑起政治合法性的双翼
5.The Research on the Political Legitimacy of the Contemporary Chinese Society;当代中国社会的政治合法性问题研究
6.Maintain and Strengthen Political Legitimacy of China at the Period of Social Transformation;中国转型期政治合法性的维护与强化
7.The Basis of Contemporary China s Political Legality and Its Maintenance;论当代中国政治合法性的基础及维护
8.Political Legitimacy:The Meaning,Current Situation and Deficiency of the Research;政治合法性:研究意义、现状及不足
9.Nationalism in the Middle East: Basis and Crisis for Political Legitimacy;中东民族主义:政治合法性基础与危机
10.Political Legitimacy Construction Basic Experience and New Way政治合法性构建的基本经验和新路径
11.The Analysis of the Party s Ruling Ability Under the Vision of the Political Legitimacy;政治合法性视野下党的执政能力建设探析
12.On the Political Legitimacy and Modernization of the Party in Power;论政治合法性诉求下的执政党现代化建设
13.On the Construction of Ruling Abilities of CPC from the Point of Political Legality;从政治合法性的角度看党的执政能力建设
14.On Democracy, Efficiency and Strengthening Political Legitimacy;浅谈民主、政绩与变革社会政治合法性的建构
15.Opportunity and Limitation:Legitimacy of Bevelopmental Authoritarian Regime;机运与局限:发展型威权政体的政治合法性
16.Political Analysis on the Political Legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party;中国共产党执政合法性的政治学分析
17.On the construction of capability of governance from the legitimacy of the political power;从政治权力的合法性看执政能力建设

legalization of political governance政治统治的合法化
3)legalization of the politics政治法治化
1.The development of the socialistic political civilization in China must be based on law and the legalization of the politics should be realized.政治文明与法治存在着密切联系,政治文明是法治得以建立的重要条件和坚强 支柱;法治是政治文明的核心内容和有力保障;中国建设社会主义政治文明,必须以法治为根本,实现政治法治化。
4)legalization of China's party politics政党政治法治化
1.Taking the cooperative medical-care system as an example,the ruling party and government tend to maintain political stability and broaden legitimacy foundation by means of establishing social welfare system and rebuilding public goods supplying system.当前中国政治合法性建设有两种发展路径:福利政治与权利政治。
2.It has no clear ideology but with a government programme for national independence and economic development, and has experienced a process from legitimacy to crisis.发展型威权政体在政治合法性方面大致经历了从正当到危机的过程。
3.From the perspective of the term“legitimacy”defined in political science,this p aper holds that,among all other politica l legitimacy sources,governing ach ievements and relatively in-dependent ideologies play an very im portant role.以江泽民同志关于“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以政治学意义的“合法性”理论为观察视角,阐明在执政党政治合法性的来源中,执政的现实绩效与意识形态之间良性互动的极其重要性。
6)political legitimacy政治合法性
1.Under economic apparent threshold political legitimacy;经济学视阈下的中国政治合法性
2.Analysis of Political Legitimacy from the Perspective of Ideology;政治合法性的意识形态维度分析
3.The Research about Mao Zedong's Views on Political Development from the Political Legitimacy;政治合法性视野中的毛泽东政治发展观研究

《合法性视野下的苏联政治》Image:11748368190457351.jpg 《合法性视野下的苏联政治》
【作 者】:周尚文 郝宇青【图书简介】 - 合法性视野下的苏联政治苏联解体和苏共败亡,引起人们对社会主义的前途和命运、社会主义国家民主政治的发展、社会主义国家共产党的领导方式和执政方式,乃至共产党的执政规律等诸多问题的深刻反思和研究。全书以其独特的视角、详尽的史实和逻辑的分析带给读者较多深层次的思考。 本书就是这样的背景之下的产物。笔者们试图通过对苏联政治生活的探究、对苏联解体和苏共败亡原因的解读,寻找出共产党执政的某些规律。笔者们在这里首先要申明的一点是:对苏联解体、苏共败亡这样的世界历史性的大课题,可以有多种视角加以研究。本课题通过从苏共执政合法性的视角切入,探究苏联政治生活的奥秘,探求其衰亡的原因和教训。如果笔者们的研究工作能够就这一问题向读者提供一些有益的见解和启发,笔者们的心愿就算达到了。