社会活动家,social activists
1)social activists社会活动家
1.In the course of building a socialist harmonious society,the union officials in China should grasp the opportunities,receive challenges,adapt to inevitable requirements under a new situation in order to become social activists.工会领导干部在构建社会主义和谐社会中,要把握机遇,迎接挑战,适应新形势下对工会组织和工会干部的必然要求,努力成为社会活动家

1.On a Consideration of the Building of a Harmonious Society and Social Activists;关于构建和谐社会与社会活动家的思考
2.Chu Tunan is a famous litterateur, educator and social activist.楚图南是著名的文学家、教育家、社会活动家
3.Bertrand Russell--Mathematical Philosopher,Political Essayist and Social Activist罗素——数理哲学家、政论散文家、社会活动家
4.Will became an ardent public man.威尔成了热情的社会活动家
5.Modern Confucianist businessman should be a perfect unification of merchant, scholar and social activist.现代儒商应是商人、学人和社会活动家的完美统一。
6.Organize social events or family gatherings.组织一次社会活动或者家庭聚会。
7.The level of social entrepreneurial activity can vary greatly.社会企业家活动范围相差甚远。
8.A social gathering or activity.社交场合,活动社会集会或活动
9.In the capitalist countries the working people live at the foot of the social ladder.在资本主义国家里,劳动人民生活在社会的底层。
10.In the capitalist countries the laboring people live at the foot of the social ladder.在资本主义国家里,劳动人民生活于社会的底层。
11."Civil activities shall have respect for social ethics and shall not harm the public interest, undermine state economic plans or disrupt social economic order."民事活动应当尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益,破坏国家经济计划,扰乱社会经济秩序。
12.The State practices a skill-grading system for social sports instructors, who shall guide social sports activities.国家实行社会体育指导员技术等级制度。社会体育指导员社会体育活动进行指导。
13.These meetings usually lasted for several days, with the whole family taking part in educational and social activities.这种聚会往往延续好几天,而且全家人都参加这种教育和社会活动。
14.To lead an active social life.忙于社交活动的过着积极的社会生活
15.an active participant in social work积极参加社会活动的人
16.He devotes himself to social activities.他献身于社会活动.
17.demonstrations, performances and social events at Monticello.展览、表演和社会活动。
18.the rudiments of social Behavior in children孩子社会活动的入门

social activist活跃的社会活动家
3)social activities社会活动
1.Investigation on lack of social activities of old bedridden patients in Chengdu city;成都市老年卧床病人社会活动缺乏的调查研究
2.Investigation and Analyses of Activities of Daily Living, Social Activities, Cognition and Complication among the Bedridden Elderly;老年卧床患者日常生活能力、社会活动、认知及并发症的调查分析
3.The effects of one-way traffic in civil trips,every kinds of social activities such as commercial activities,inhabitation and business were analyzed detailedly.在对南京市主城区单向交通实地调研的基础上,通过对管理人员及使用者的访谈和问卷调查,分析了城市单向交通对市民出行、沿路商业活动、居住与办公活动等社会活动的影响,最后提出了一系列完善单向交通系统的措施建议。
4)Social activity社会活动
1.The research on Fu She social activity and social thought in late Ming——also on Fu She academic statecraft orientation;晚明复社的社会活动与社会思想——兼论复社学术的经世取向
2.Language users not only communicate information, but construct social activity and social identity by using grammatical devices, which shows the interpersonal function, one of the three metafunctions of language proposed by Halliday.语言使用者在运用语法手段传递信息的同时,也在进行一种社会活动,建立自己的社会身份,这也体现了韩礼德提出的语言三大纯理功能之一——人际功能。
5)sociality action社会性活动
6)Family and society lives家庭社会生活

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决