周易程氏传,Zhouyi Chengshi Zhuan
1)Zhouyi Chengshi Zhuan周易程氏传
1.Zhouyi Chengshi Zhuan,Cheng s Commentaries on Zhouyi, was compiled by the famous master of the Neo-Confucianism of the Northern Song dynasty Cheng Yi who creatively interpreted Zhouyi from the vision of the Principle conceiving profound philosophical connotations.《周易程氏传》是北宋著名的理学大师程颐在对传统易学扬弃的基础上,创造性地用义理对《周易》进行的注释和解说,其中蕴含着丰富的思想。

1.On the philosophical connotations conceived in hexagram Jie --taking Cheng s Commentaries on Zhouyi as an example;《周易》“节”卦思想阐微——以《周易程氏传》为例
2.Financial Crisis and the Bailout Way: the Enlightenment from Cheng’s Interpretation of Hexagram Huan金融危机与“拯涣”之道——《周易程氏传》“涣”卦思想的现代阐微
3.Superficial Comments an Restoring the Book of Changes in Ancient Chinese Prose;《周易》古文经本亟待建立刍议——从费氏易不传古文经谈起
4.The New Explorations on the Relation between Zhouyi,Laozi and Yichuan;《周易》《老子》《易传》关系新探
5.The Comparison between I Qing Personality Model And Myers-Briggs Personality Model;周易人格模型与麦氏人格模型的比较
6.Succeeding and reforming of Zhou Yi by Lü Shi Chun Qiu;《吕氏春秋》对《周易》的继承与改造
7.The three kinds of Yi and the transmission of Zhouyi in the pre-Qin period;筮人“掌三易”及《周易》在先秦的传播
8.significance of the examples by Yi recorded in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu for the studies of Zhouyi s text;《左传》、《国语》易例于《周易》之文本意义
9.On the Spirit of "Generosity"in Yi Zhuan of Zhou Yi;论《周易·易传》中的“宽厚”精神
10.Cultural Connotations of Jing Fang s Yi Zhuan and Na-jia-shi-fa;论《京氏易传》与后世纳甲筮法的文化内涵
11.The study of "Changes" in Ba-Shu has a long history.巴蜀易学源远流长,神话传说作《易》之祖伏羲氏即为巴人。
12.The Study on the Cases of Divination by Zhou Yi in Zuo Zhuan and Cuo Yu;《左传》、《国语》中的《周易》筮例研究
13.Discussion abatis;梅花桩与《周易》等传统文化的渊源
14.Flaws of Words Explanation of Zhouyi Dazhuan in Great Chinese dictionary;《汉语大词典》引《周易大传》语词指瑕
15.An Investigation of Pragmatical Functions of Modal Words in Zhouyi Dazhuan(周易大传);《周易大传》语气词的语用功能考察
16.The structure of the Text & Commentaries of Zhouyi and the style of prose of the Qin & Han dynasties;《周易》经传结构与战国秦汉散文的体制
17.The Modern Value of Zhouyi’s Cultural Essence;《周易》文化思想精华的现代价值——“中国传统文化思想精华”课程教学一得
18.Thinking of the National Affairs with Anxiety ──Cheng Yi s Political Way Basing on Yi Xue;以忧患之心,思忧患之故──程氏易学的为政之道

Chengshi yi zhuan程氏易传
1.On the completion and transmission of the Chengshi yi zhuan;《程氏易传》的成书及流传考
3)A Study of Cheng Shi Yi Zhuan《程氏易传》研究
4)GUAN's Commentaries on Yi关氏易传
5)SU's Commentaries on the Yi苏氏易传
6)Jing Fang's Yi Zhuan京氏易传
