事功之学,Shigong(honor pursuit) academic thoughts
1)Shigong(honor pursuit) academic thoughts事功之学
1.However, Zheng Boxiong learned that hallow Yili(righteous principle) did nothing with national affairs, so he turned to Shigong(honor pursuit) academic thoughts under influences of Xue Jixuan.后来,郑伯熊深知空谈义理对国事无补,在薛季宣影响下转向事功之学
2)knowledge of fact事实之学

1.A Comment on Hu Zhi-ping s Innovations in News Writing;发掘新闻事实之学,彰显新闻名家之法——评胡志平《新闻写作创新智慧》
2.Shi(Being) in Chinese Philosophy and Its Relation with Shi(Fact),Shi(Event),Shi(History),Shi(Time),Shi(Trend);中国哲学之“是”与“实、事、史、时、势”
3.On the Spirit of Practical Learning of Ruanyuan s Scientific Thought;科学“乃儒流实事求是之学”——略论阮元科学思想的实学精神及其局限
4.Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence Of one fact upon another.科学是因果之学,前因后果均以事实为依据。
5.In fact, learner authenticity is different from genuineness of teaching materials.事实上,教学材料的真实和学习者真实性之间是存在一定差别的。
6.Evidence shows that healthy academic development must proceed in the atmosphere of criticism and contention.事实表明,学术必须在批评与争鸣之中发展。
7.Philosophic Specula of Relations Between Progress with Times and to Emancipate the Mind,to Seek Truth from Facts;与时俱进与解放思想、实事求是关系的哲学之镜
8.Modern Implication of Seeking Truth from Facts--Reviewing Improving Our Study by Mao Zedong;实事求是之当代意蕴——重温《改造我们的学习》
9.Scientific Laws and Counterfactual Conditionals--On The New Riddle of Induction;科学定律与反事实条件句——兼论“新归纳之谜”
10.Between Facts and Values:A Meta-ethical Reflection on the Criticism of "Faithfulness" by the Manipulation School在事实与价值之间——操纵学派“忠实”批判论的元伦理学反思
11."Inseparability of Skill and Morality":Tang Shunzhi s Practical Learning and the Significance of Its Turn in the History of Ideas;“技艺与德岂可分两事”:唐顺之之实学及其转向的思想史意义
12.Profiles of Anthropologists(X);实事求是:文化人类学的追求——人类学学者访谈录之十一
13.Between "Facts" and "Values"--on the Jurisprudence Inspiration of Max Weber's Academic Methodology在“事实”与“价值”之间——马克斯·韦伯学术方法的法理学启示
14.Claude did- and became one of the greatest biologists in history, virtuallyfounding“ experimental physiology”。克劳德果真回了学校,后来成了历史上最伟大的生物学家之一,事实上创建了“实验生理学”。
15.This is merely one of the many instances of metaphysical theories seemingly conformed by facts.这只不过是许许多多似乎有事实证明的形而上学理论之一罢了。
16.But it is also imperative that we should be pragmatic and know that learning English contributes to communication among Singaporeans of different ethnic groups.新加坡人必须实事求是,确认英语的学习,有助于各族群之间的沟通。
17.Harmony between Facts and Value: On Whitehead s Metaphysics and Taoist s Worldview;在事实与价值之间——论怀特海的形而上学与道家天道观
18.Between Values and Facts--The Reflection on the Criminology Itself and Its Evolvement of Pattern;穿行于价值与事实之间——犯罪学的本体反思与范式演进

knowledge of fact事实之学
3)theory of things事物之学
4)practical school事功学派
1.Chen Liang is a famous patriotic educator of practical school in Song Dynasty.陈亮是南宋著名的事功学派爱国教育家,他以儒家经典、历史文献、诸子学说和对认识现实及解决实际问题有用的各种知识为教育内容,运用了各种教学原则和方法来达到其培养“非常之人”、“成人”的教育目的,并在同理学教育家朱熹等的论战中,形成了一套独具体系的教育思想。
5)conflict between literature and civil service文学与吏事之争
1.Meanwhile,the so-called "conflict between literature and civil service" .始于初盛唐之际的所谓“文学与吏事之争”在中唐继续展开,其实质是“士”自发地捍卫自己的文化优势。
6)Eastern Zhejiang Practical Schools浙东事功学派

事功之学  中国南宋时期反对理学谈论心性而强调事功的学说。浙江永嘉的叶適和永康的陈亮为事功之学的代表人物。当时的陈傅良(1137~1203)把陈亮的思想归结为:"功到成处,便是有德,事到济处,便是有理",视事业的成功为言论的标准。叶適也同样重视事功,主张"务实而不务虚"。但他比之陈亮"专言事功"更深入一步,能够用"功利"来衡量义理,强调理论必须通过实际的活动来检验,认为"无验于事者,其言不合,无考于器者,其道不化";认为道德不可能脱离功利,"既无功利,则道义者,乃无用之虚语"。陈亮、叶適讲事功之学与他们政治上主张抗击外族侵扰,求国土统一的进步思想相一致,认为"笃行而不合于大义,虽高无益也;立志而不存于忧世,虽仁无益也"。陈亮、叶適的事功之学对于批判当时朱熹、陆九渊的唯心主义哲学有一定意义,对以后颜元以至近代魏源提倡的"实事"、"实功"和认识论上的"及之而后知"的唯物主义思想也有积极影响。