卦爻,hexagrams and trigrams
1)hexagrams and trigrams卦爻
1.On the connotations of the hexagrams and trigrams in Zhou yi can tong qi;《周易参同契》卦爻涵义再探

1.On the idea of excess and deficiency reflected in Hexagram Xiao Guo;论小过卦的过与不及——析小过卦卦爻
2.A discrimination of the meanings of the remarks attached to hexagram Kun and its lines by the Meanings of Yi copied on silk;关于帛书《易之义》解说坤卦卦爻辞之文义的辨正
3."Eating" "Drinking" and Related Questions in the Text of Book of Changes;《周易》卦爻辞中的“饮食”及相关问题
4."Going on an Expedition" and "Hunting" in the text of "Book of Changes";《周易》卦爻辞中的“征伐”与“田猎”
5.The English Translation of Cultural Words in Zhou Yi;《周易》卦爻辞中的“文化词汇”及其英译
6.Function of Phonology in Analysis of Bo-Ci in Book of Change;音韵学在《易经》卦爻辞解读中的价值
7.Literary Value of the Maxims and Proverbs in the Divinatory Words in Yi Qin;论《易经》卦爻辞中格言和谚语的文学价值
8.A textual research on the ancient and current characters used in Yi Jing of current version and that copied on silk (from hexagram Qian to Jian);帛、今本《易经》今、古文字考(乾至蹇)——兼及帛、今本卦爻辞异文辨析
9.The Zhou Dynasty s“worshiping Virtue,Protecting Man” Line as Reflected in “The Book of Changes”;从《周易》卦爻辞看周王朝“敬德保民”政治路线的具体蕴涵
10.A new annotation on the text of Li Gua of Zhou Yi (the Book of Change) and its fourth Yang item.;《周易·离》卦卦辞及九四爻辞新诠
11.On HU Xu’s Yi-ology;胡煦之“体卦主爻说”及对“卦变说”与“错综说”之批评
12.A textual research on the gua qi theory by which"one line governs one day" in Yi wei Ji lan tu;《易纬·稽览图》“一爻直一日”卦气术考
13.Linguistic Senses of Yaoci of Qiangua in Zhou Yi《周易·乾卦》爻辞的语言学“意义”
14.It is a long history for the Eight Diagrams to evolve into the Double Diagrams from the Single Diagram.八卦由单卦演变到重卦,是一个漫长的历史过程。
15.An Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphorical Structure of the Liner Judgment Text in the Book of Changes《周易》爻辞语篇认知隐喻结构分析
16.Analysis of ZHENG Xuan s Yao-chen theory and Chinese ancient musicology;郑玄“爻辰”易例与古代乐律论探析
17.On the formation time of Yao ti and some issues related to it;谈《周易》爻题的形成时间及相关诸问题
18.About Lin(吝)′s Paraphrases in Yaoci(爻辞) of the Book of Changes;浅析“吝”字在《易经》爻辞中的释义

1.After the development of thousands of years,especially the formation of Guayaoci and Shishu,its function altered from angury to ethical education and it experienced a great leap forward when Yizhuan came into being.《易经》作为中国古代最为经典的一部哲学著作,它因占卜而产生,经过数千年的流传和发展,特别是在卦爻辞产生和筮书形成之后,它的功能开始由占卜向伦理教化逐渐演变;当《易传》产生之后,这种演变则发生了质的飞跃,《易传》所阐发的丰富而深刻了的伦理思想,几乎完全取代了《易经》的原始宗教迷信成分,成就了《易经》作为中国古典哲学第一书的崇高地位,奠定了中国古代人文哲学———伦理学的发展道路。
3)divinatory symbol卦爻符号
1.Since a kind of logic symbol system with symbolic meaning of its divinatory symbol Yao s symbol system,it is an open system,so is still distributing its mysterious glamour in our times.它的卦爻符号系统既是一种有着象征意义的逻辑符号系统,又是一个开放的系统,所以在当今世界还散发着它神秘的魅力。
4)line statements of hexagram Qian乾卦爻辞
1.Some previous scholars correlated the six dragons corresponding to the line statements of hexagram Qian ( , the 1st hexagram in the received version of the Zhouyi) to astronomical phenomena.先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。
5)the system of Gua and Yao卦爻系统
1.The study of the system of Gua and Yao in I Ching and its basic features,and of the basic theory and methods in systems science shows that I Ching is the world s earliest book on systems science.《周易》的卦爻系统及其基本特征体现在它的卦爻结构要素上:其中的爻,包括阴爻、阳爻、爻位、爻象;其中的卦,包括卦名、卦体、卦象、卦德、卦辞、卦序、卦时、卦位、卦数。
6)comprehensively understanding of the hexagrams and specific interpretation to the line卦合爻别
