分章,Chapter Divisions
1)Chapter Divisions分章

1.Research on Storing Technology of Long Article with Pictures and Custom Chapters Dividine自定义分章图文混编文章存储技术的研究
2.Probing into the Time for Laozi s Appearing,It s Another Names and the Case of Sections Dividing and Chapters Dividing;《老子》书名出现时间、异称、分篇和分章
3.The book is split up into 12 chapters.这本书分12 章。
4.The linear programming part consists of Chapters three to seven.线性规划部分包括第三章到第七章。
5.in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon.纹章盾面对角地四等分。
6.an article completely empty of matter内容十分空洞的文章
7.a major division of a long written composition.长篇文章的主要部分。
8.He got full marks (ie the highest marks possible) for his essay.他的文章得了满分.
9.give away medals at a sports meeting在运动会上分发奖章
10.Luo Zhanglong tried to split the Party by setting up another central committee.罗章龙另立中央,分裂党。
11.a clear thread of thought run through the article.这篇文章脉络分明。
12.a coherent essay.一篇条理分明的文章
13.On Textual Analysis and Chinese Textual Connectives;有关篇章分析与汉语篇章连接成分的几个问题
14.This part includes three chapters. The forth chapter considers his collating theory and practice;这一部分有三章:其中第四章主要考察章学诚校勘理论和实践;
15.The part of a movement in sonata form in which the theme is elaborated and explored.华彩乐章奏鸣曲中旋律华美的乐章部分
16.Research of Seal Image Classification Method in Seal Watermarking Security System;印章水印防伪系统中印章图像分类方法研究
17.The Sound Change in Zhi and Zhang Groups as Seen in Hunan Dialect;从湘语知、章组的分化看汉语知、章组字音的演变
18.Textual Pattern Analysis of Argumentative Texts in English Reading Class;英语阅读教学中论辩类篇章的篇章模式分析

molecular stamp分子印章
1.By using the first method, the protruding points on molecular stamps can be uniformly distributed, and .为了提高基因芯片制备质量和检测的准确性 ,提出两种基因芯片布局方法 ,一是分子印章凸点优化布局方法 ,另一种是基于探针杂交解链温度的梯度场布局方法。
3)chapter construction章节划分
4)text analysis篇章分析
1.In the light of Relevance Theory, especially ostensive-referential model, and relevant theories of text analysis, this paper proposes the proper way of grasping the theme of a text, illustrated by the analysis of Fan Zhongyan’s verse of Yu Jia Ao.运用语言学中篇章分析和关联论的有关理论(特别是明示推理模式),以范仲淹词《渔家傲》为例证,探讨正确理解篇章主旨的方法。
2.As a result,the author mainly explores the theories of reading and text analysis,and functions of text analysis in reading-teaching.因此,文章着重讨论了阅读过程和篇章分析的一些相关理论,以及篇章分析在阅读教学中的作用。
3.This paper discusses the historical stages of the rise and growth of modern Chinese text analysis.本文讨论现代汉语篇章分析(text analysis)形成、发展所经历的几个历史阶段。
5)textual analysis篇章分析
1.Therefore, based on the analysis of the two one-sided views existing in contemporary English teaching, this essay attempts to propose some practical methods of vocabulary teaching by means of integrating vocabulary learning into textual analysis.本文针对目前教学界普遍存在的两种片面倾向,通过分析如何把词汇的习得与篇章分析相结合,提出在篇章中学习英语词汇的几种有效方法。
6)discourse analysis篇章分析
1.The meaning of "logic" is differently used in discourse analysis and logic science,which represents basically to what extent things are definitely related.篇章分析中的“逻辑”连接与逻辑学当中的“逻辑”一词意义不同,认清逻辑一词的意义对于篇章语言学的研究具有深刻意义。
2.Both syntax analysis and discourse analysis should be taken into consideration in the teaching of English reading.较为理想的阅读教学方法应全面考虑句法分析和篇章分析 ,从这一角度出发 ,该文作者提出了自己的设

华严一乘教义分齐章【华严一乘教义分齐章】 (书名)又名华严一乘教分记,华严教分记,一乘教分记,五教分记,五教章。三卷,又四卷。唐法藏撰。说一乘之义并五教之分际。