自由境界,cultural inspirit
1)cultural inspirit自由境界

1.Chuang Tzu’s Philosophy of Life--the Freedom of the Individual’s Spirit庄子人生哲学——个体通往“自由境界”的便捷之途
2.Freedom Realm Like the Powerful and Unconstrained Style: ZHANG Ai-ling the Maverick Genius in the Modern Chinese Literature History;天马行空般的自由境界——中国现代文学史上的怪才张爱玲
3.Analysing "Zhuangzi":Pursuing a Spirit Realm of Free Life;追求生命自由的精神境界——解析《庄子》
4.From "Freedom" to "Ideal"--On Chen Wangheng s Aesthetics of Ideal Noumenon;从“自由的形式”到“境界”——试论陈望衡的境界本体论美学的建构
5.Liberty:the Ideal Living State of Human Being--Analysis of Views on Liberty of Marx and Sartre;自由:人类生存的理想境界——马克思、萨特自由观简析
6.Environmental protection and freedom of trade become world trends,which might collide with each other.环境保护与贸易自由已经成为世界潮流,二者交汇必然产生冲突。
7.Seeking Immortals in High mounts withour Feur of Long Distance Daoist culture connotation of the liberal spirit and universd horizon of Li Bai s scenery poems;五岳寻仙不辞远——李白山水诗的自由精神和宇宙境界的道文化意蕴
8.Think Highly of Human Being Show Loving Care for Life and Go After Freedoms--Discussion of the state of appreciation of beauty of Lao Zhuang s Aesthetics;重视人生 关爱生命 追求自由——老庄美学的审美境界论
9.Moral Freedom in a Determined World先定世界中的道德自由
10.Who threatens freedom in the world?谁在威胁着世界的自由?
11.World Union of Liberal Trade Union Organizations世界自由工会组织联盟
12.Our world is made up of natural environment and social environment.人类赖以生存的客观世界是由多姿多彩的自然环境和社会环境所构成的。
13.The Balance of Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection:An Analysis on the Mechanism of Environmental Protection in the WTO;贸易自由化与环境保护的平衡——世界贸易组织框架下的环境保护机制探析
14.A free boundary problem with two different free boundaries;一个带两条不同类型自由边界的自由边界问题
15.The Freedom to the Nirvana-- On Schopenhauer s view of freedom;通向涅磐之境的自由——读叔本华自由观
16.The Aesthetic Attachment and Relaxing Environment Embodied in "The Sea Gets Low When You are in a High Mountain";“登高海自平”的美学境界与悠存生境
17.This was the blind alley from which the Roman world had no way out: slavery was economically impossible, the labor of freemen was morally ostracized.于是罗马世界便陷入了绝境:奴隶制在经济上已经不可能了,而自由人的劳动却在道德上受鄙视。
18.In the communist society , there will be abundant material wealth , and people will have a very high realm of thought and be able to develop themselves freely and in an all- round way.共产主义社会,将是物质财富极大丰富,人民精神境界极大提高,每个人自由而全面发展的社会。

the State of Moral Freedom道德自由境界
1.Third, the State of Moral Freedom,which is a free,perfect moral state achieved.道德自由包含有三个基本向度,一是意志自由,其主要体现为人的道德自由能力,是人们基于道德理性而在善恶、道德与不道德之间进行选择与决定的一种能力;二是道德自由权,包括消极的道德自由权与积极的道德自由权两个方面,道德自由权以道德权利的形式尊重并保障人们的道德选择与决定的自由;三是道德自由境界,它是人们在内化道德原则和规范的基础上所达致的一种自由完满的道德境界。
3)free interface自由界面
1.A moving free interface is formed by interaction between welding arc and weld pool.电弧与熔池的交互作用在两者之间形成了一个不断移动变化的自由界面,对界面的处理是实现电弧与熔池交互耦合的关键。
2.People only consider polarization characters of compressional and shear wavesbut neglect free interface effect in separating shear wave from compressional wave.以往分离纵、横渡仅考虑了纵横波的编报特性,未考虑自由界面的影响。
4)Free surface自由界面
1.It brings difficulties to both the algorithm to track free surface and the solution of flow field.对于气液自由界面上存在相变(蒸发、沸腾或凝结)的情况,由于此时不仅物性分布是不连续的,速度场也发生了不连续,这无论对于捕捉或追踪自由界面的算法本身还是流场的求解都带来了一定的困难。
2.Accompa-nied with this interaction between the blast wave and the free surface,a spray dome formsand develops into a huge hollow water-column.近水面水下爆炸后形成的冲击波很快与空气一水的自由界面相互作用,产生折射激波和反射稀疏波,这些波在形成初期是规则的,但很快转变为不规则波。
5)free boundary自由边界
1.A free boundary problem on subsea permafrost;海底冻土的自由边界问题
1.Surface-Related Multiple Attenuation Based on Wave Equation;基于波动方程的自由界面多次波压制

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。