敖继公,AO Jigong
1)AO Jigong敖继公
1.This paper claims that YAO followed the popular academic character of AO Jigong and HAO Jing, and put forward little original idea, hence his book is not an anti-traditional masterpiece.本文认为,姚氏此书的学术趋向,以追随风行于清初的元儒敖继公、明儒郝敬之说为主,绝少创见,故不存在反传统的问题。
2)common consequent公共后继
1.Let Pn(d) be the set of all primitive digraphs of order n (n≥3) with exact d vertices having loops, LG(k) be the k-common consequent (k-c.设Pn(d)是n(n≥3)阶恰有d个顶点带环的本原有向图的集合,LG(k)是本原有向图G的k-公共后继(k-c。
3)inheritance notary继承公证
1.Facing the large number of citizens\'demands of inheritance notary, it does have necessity to perfect inheritance notary system to ensure the accurately and truly reflection of the wishes of the parties under the witnessing of a notary public.继承公证是公证处根据法律规定和继承人的申请,依法证明继承人的继承行为真实、合法的活动。

1.On the Improvement of China's Legal System of Inheritance Notary Procedure论我国继承公证程序法律制度的完善
2.No legalization of how to handle the succession will transfer procedures?未公证的遗嘱应该如何办理继承过户手续?
3.disentailing assurance解除限定继承权保证
4.the order in which individuals are expected to succeed one another in some official position.公共职位的继承顺序。
5.Is an immediate successor to the president of the company.公司总裁最近的继承者
6."Heir:XXX,now residing at ... Deceased:XXX, male, was a staff member of XX Co.,and resided at ..."继承人:×××,现住... 被继承人:×××,男,生前为×公司职员,住...
7.The Succession of Shares Shareholder s Status of Shareholders in Limited Company;论有限公司股东的股权继承与股东资格继承
8.The will have to is prove before we can inherit.遗嘱要先认证, 然後我们才能继承遗产。
9.The will has to be proved before we can inherit.遗嘱要先认证, 然后我们才能继承遗产.
10.The will have to be prove before we can inherit遗嘱要先认证, 然後我们才能继承遗产
11.The law of inheritance also proves the observance of this rule.继承权也证实了这一准则。
12.The Inheritance and Development of Dialectical Materialism and Traditional Chinese Medicine辩证唯物主义与中医学的继承和发展
13.Inheritance and development of Right-Part Theory in Guangyashuzheng;《广雅疏证》对右文说的继承与发展
14.where a person goes to Hong Kong or Macao to inherit or to dispose of his/her property, he/she shall present certifications testifying to the status of the said property and also to the lawful right of inheritance;继承或者处理产业,须提交产业状况和合法继承权的证明;
15."But," said the notary, "you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony?"“但是,”公证人说,“您知道吗,法律是不允许一个儿子的继承权全被剥夺的?”
16.The sister's eyes had opened wide when the agent had written telling her that she had come into fifty thousand francs.这个姐姐一看到公证人写信通知她说可以继承到五万法郎的遗产时,惊得呆若木鸡。
17.Instead of risking his inheritance in the stock market, Harry decided to play sari and invest it government bonds.哈里没有把继承的钱财拿到证券市场去冒险,而是决定谨慎行事,购买政府公债。
18.Instead of risking his inheritance in the stock market, Tim decided to play safe and invest it in government bonds.蒂姆没有把继承的钱财拿到证券市场去冒险,而是决定谨慎行事,购买政府公债。

common consequent公共后继
1.Let Pn(d) be the set of all primitive digraphs of order n (n≥3) with exact d vertices having loops, LG(k) be the k-common consequent (k-c.设Pn(d)是n(n≥3)阶恰有d个顶点带环的本原有向图的集合,LG(k)是本原有向图G的k-公共后继(k-c。
3)inheritance notary继承公证
1.Facing the large number of citizens\'demands of inheritance notary, it does have necessity to perfect inheritance notary system to ensure the accurately and truly reflection of the wishes of the parties under the witnessing of a notary public.继承公证是公证处根据法律规定和继承人的申请,依法证明继承人的继承行为真实、合法的活动。
4)Li Ao李敖
1.Li Ao s Collection and Use of Materials;李敖对资料的收集与利用
2.Li Ao and the Cultural Disputes between Chinese and Western in Taiwan;李敖与台湾中西文化争论
1.The Construction of Folk Organization and Tradition in the Contemporary Aobao's Sacrifice:an Example of Baiyin Aobao's Sacrifice in East Ujimqin Banner当代敖包祭祀的民间组织与传统的建构——以东乌珠穆沁旗白音敖包祭祀为个案
6)Aonan Oilfield敖南油田
1.Application of the first horizontal well in Aonan Oilfield of Daqing;大庆敖南油田第一口阶梯水平井钻井实践

敖敖1.长貌。 2.众口谗毁貌。 3.哀号声。