孔教会,Confucian Church
1)Confucian Church孔教会
1.Dilemma between the Practices of Confucian Churches and Modern Transformation of Confucianism During the Beginning of Republic of China and the End of Qing Dynasty;清末民初孔教会实践与儒家现代转化的困境

1.A Discussion on the New-established Ceremonies of Confucianism Movement in the Republic of China民国孔教运动中的孔教新创仪式述论——以孔教会为中心
2.Why, he's one of the main pillars of the Confucian Morals Society.他不是孔教会里的重要分子吗?
3.Dilemma between the Practices of Confucian Churches and Modern Transformation of Confucianism During the Beginning of Republic of China and the End of Qing Dynasty清末民初孔教会实践与儒家现代转化的困境
4.Kang Youwei and Confucianist Societies:The Resurgence Efforts of the Confucian Schooland Their Frustrations in the Early Years of the Republic of China;康有为和孔教会:民国初年儒家复兴努力及其挫折
5.Confucius Theory and His Practice on Equal Education Opportunity;孔子关于教育机会均等的理论与实践
6.Minister of Education said that Daiwan will have a12- year compulsory education system in place by2001.教育部长讲台员两千孔一年时会有十二年耶义务教育。
7.The Enlightenment of the Construction of Socialistic View for Honor and Dishonor by the Thought “Benevolence Depending on Oneself” of Confucius;孔子“为仁由己”思想在大学生社会主义荣辱观教育中的借鉴和启示
8.An adherent of the teachings of Confucius.孔子的门徒孔子儒教的追随者
9.An Analysis of Confucius Concept of Poetry Instruction;从上博简《孔子诗论》看孔子《诗》教
10.View on Confucius Instructing Activities from His Ji yu ·Liu Yi;从《孔子集语·六艺》看孔子的教育活动
11.The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble.孔子教导我们要谦虚。
12.litho-porosity crossplot岩性-孔隙度交会图
13.punched card accounting machine穿孔卡片会计机械设备
14.Of How and Why Kang Youwei Brought Confucianism into Confucianity;论康有为的孔教思想及其倡立孔教的活动
15.Speech Education :Teaching Purpose & Practice of Confucius言语教育:孔子的施教目的与教学实践
16.the peacock dance and big-drum dance of Dai temples and festivals, and the various dance shows in Han temple fairs,were all developed on the basis of traditional dances of different nationalities.傣族寺庙和宗教节日中的孔雀舞、大鼓舞,包括汉族的各种庙会中表演的歌舞,大都是土生土长的。
17.Interpreting Buddhism with Confucianism or Interpreting Confucianism with Buddhism以孔释佛还是以佛释孔——康有为、谭嗣同孔教观比较
18.Confucianism is the main religion of the Chinese, named after Kung the Master.孔子学说是中国人以孔夫子命名的主要宗教。

1.Nationalism and Universalism in Kang You-wei s View of Confucianism;康有为孔教思想中的民族主义立场与世界主义情怀
2.A Debate on Confucianism in the Parliament at the Beginning of the Republic of China;民初国会对孔教的争论及其思考
3.On the Movement of Confucianism;孔教运动的由来及其评价
3)Confucius religion孔教
1.In order to revive Confucianism, Kang Youwei tried to deconstruct its internal structure of Benevolence and Rite and its external structure of State and Rite, and put Western spirits into Confucianism so that he could create a kind of Confucius religion, hoping in this way to make Confucianism independent of despotism and enjoy full revival.康有为试图通过对儒学内部仁礼二元结构和外部政教合一的社会结构的解构 ,并融合中西在儒学中注入西方现代精神 ,创建孔教 ,使儒学摆脱专制主义的纠缠 ,使之深入国人的日常生活和灵魂 ,以实现儒学的真正复兴。
2.Some scholars regard Kang You wei s utilization of Confucius and effort to creating Confucius religion as his tactics in promoting reform,in essence a old form with new contention.一些主要研究者把维新变法中康有为利用孔子、创立孔教的努力仅仅视作是他为推动变法所施用的一个方便法门 ,或者说是实现变法目的的权宜手段 ,是新内容而旧形式。
1.On policies towards foreign church s weapon of late Qing Dynasty;晚清政府关于外国教会在华持有武装政策述论
2.On Late Qing Dynasty s Policy for Church Orphanage;晚清政府的教会育婴政策述论
3.Introduce the Development of Neoteric Church Education;论近代教会教育在安徽的发展
5)the Church教会
1.The Ending of Ordeal by the Church in the Middle Ages;中世纪教会对神命裁判法的终结
2.John Calvin holds that the proper relationship between civil government and the church is differentiation and cooperation, rather than theocray or total separation.加尔文既反对将政府与教会混为一谈的政教合一说,又反对将二者彻底分离的观点。

孔教1.指孔子的学说主张。 2.认为儒家的学说主张与佛﹑道一样,具有宗教性质,故称之为"孔教"。