智者乐水,"The Wise Find Pleasure in Water
1)"The Wise Find Pleasure in Water智者乐水
1.Agro-farming Culture and Fishery s Culture. Comment on Culture Relationship of "The Wise Find Pleasure in Water; the Virtuous Find Pleasure in Hills";农耕文化与渔业文化的对话——评“智者乐水 ,仁者乐山”的文化间性

1.The Man of Wisdom Delights in Water:Wisdom in the Early Confucian Tradition;智者乐水:早期儒家传统中的智慧观
2.Agro-farming Culture and Fishery s Culture. Comment on Culture Relationship of "The Wise Find Pleasure in Water; the Virtuous Find Pleasure in Hills";农耕文化与渔业文化的对话——评“智者乐水 ,仁者乐山”的文化间性
3.Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can .智者均能以苦为乐。
4.Fool lade out all the water, and wise men take the fish .愚人涸干水,智者取走鱼。
5.Philosopy Flavour for Intelligent Person Loves Waters and Benevolence Person Likes Mountains;“知者乐水,仁者乐山”的哲学韵味
6.There is no fool who is happy, and no wise man who is not.世界上没有快乐的愚人也没有不快乐的智者.
7.House of Mirth of Fools and the House of Mourning of the Wise:Analysis of Biblical Archetypes in The House of Mirth;愚者的欢乐之家,智者的悲伤之家——《欢乐之家》中的圣经原型分析
8.If you want to be happy, you must wear the shoes of a man who is always happy,@ the wise man said.“如果您想快乐,您必须穿上一个总是快乐的人的鞋,”智者回答。
9.Intelligent control of Letan PZWST governor乐滩水电站PZWST型微机调速器的智能控制
10.This book shows the measure of the author's intelligence.由这本书可看出作者的智慧水准。
11.Every one thinks in his way.〔谚语〕仁者见仁,智者见智。
12.The Realistic Wise Who Guards His Own Spiritual Paradise Tranquilly--An Analysis of the Life’s Value of Wang Wei;静守精神乐园的现实智者——王维生命价值取向探析
14.There was no difference in IQ between strict vegetarians and those who classed themselves as veggie but still ate fish or chicken.此外,严格素食者和吃鱼和鸡肉的素食者的智商水平没什么差别。
15.An entertainment spectacle of swimmers and divers, often performing in unison to the accompaniment of music.水上运动表演游泳者和潜水者的一种娱乐表演,常常与音乐合奏表演一致
16."aquacade: an entertainment spectacle of swimmers and divers, often performing in unison to the accompaniment of music."水上运动表演: 游泳者和潜水者的一种娱乐表演,常常与音乐合奏表演一致。
17.Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.智者不可夸耀自己智慧。
18.Stagnant water cannot make a clear lake. Wisdom cannot be cultivated without strong will. Practice and cultivation cannot be successful without keeping one's word. Enlightenment cannot be achieved without determination.水不动者,湖泊不清;志不强者,智力不远;言不信者,行持不果;心不坚者,道学不成。

The wise enjoy water知者乐水
3)Take a pain for a pleasure all wise man can.智者能视苦为乐。
1.Musical sense, a feeling of music, is considered as “the soul of musicians” by lots of experienced music teachers, performers, composers and conductors.乐感 ,即对音乐的感觉 ,被许多有经验的音乐老师及演奏家、作曲家、指挥家喻为“乐者的灵魂”。
1.From Parmenides,Sophists to Scrates——A brief analysis on the philosophic connotation of "know yourself";从巴门尼德、智者到苏格拉底——浅析苏格拉底“认识你自己”的哲学蕴涵
2.Ancient Greek sophists educational activity has a profound historical background.古希腊智者的教育活动有深刻的历史背景。
3.Where the traditional virtue is going was not only one of the fundamental questions of the city-state in Sophists times but Socrates question as well.传统美德向何处去 ?这是智者时代城邦的根本问题 ,也是苏格拉底的问题。
1.The Education of Sophist and the Diversion of Greek Philosophy;智者的教化和希腊哲学的转向
2.The mode of popularity and education cannot meet the requirement of the times,and knowledge and eloquence techniques are badly needed,but sophists can fulfill the objective demand of slaveowners democracy.智者运动的兴起有深刻的历史根源,因为希腊人对自身的认识有了根本性变化,他们对外域民族的了解也在增多,希腊人对以往的人类学和地理学等知识发生怀疑,再加上原有的传播和教育方式不能适应时代的要求,因此社会需要知识和雄辩术。

智者不毁【智者不毁】  谓修菩萨行者,戒行清净,身口无过。凡有智之人,喜乐赞叹,而不毁訾也。