法后王,learning from the kings of recent antiquity
1)learning from the kings of recent antiquity法后王
1.The ideas include learning from the kings of recent antiquity, predicting the future according to the past and present similar situation, making detailed study on recent history but not neglecting remote antiquity, and ruling a country by propriety.其内容主要有"法后王"、"以近知远"、 "详近略远"及在此基础之上坚持"礼治"为本等。

1.Xun Zi s Fllowing the Later King and Confucian develipment towands Politics;荀子的“法后王”与儒学的走向政治
2.His [Her] Imperial Majesty.国王 [王后] 陛下。
3."after this Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, became friends with ahaziah, king of Israel, who did much evil:"此后,犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好。亚哈谢行恶太甚。
4.there were a king with a large jaw and a queen with a fair face, on the throne of France.法兰西宝座上有一个大下巴的国王和一个面貌姣好的王后。
5.After this Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel. He acted wickedly in so doing.代下20:35此后犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好.哈谢行恶太甚。
6.A crown like the Queen's?“是像王后那样的王冠吗?”
7.The king and queen loved Bella very much.国王和王后非常爱贝拉。
8.The king and queen are both dead.国王和王后双双去世。
9.there was a king and a queen.有一个国王和王后。
10.The king and the queen ran to the tower.国王和王后冲进塔内。
11.Their Majesties have arrived.国王与王后陛下已驾到.
12.The courts later found grounds to annul the results, after the king urged them to sort out the“ mess”.在国王敦促法庭收拾烂摊子后,法庭随后宣布废除选举结果。
13.The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. `Off with his head!'王后解决各种困难的办法只有一种:“砍掉它的头
14.my expectation in life... is to be invisible, and I'm good at it.王后,我只想依法……隐身人群之中 这点我很行的。
15.At last the king said, @I can't decide who can marry Princess Light-of-Day.最后国王开口了:“我无法决定谁能娶日光公主。
16.`How do you like the Queen?'“你喜欢王后吗?”
17.The prince acceded to the throne when the king died.国王死后,王子继承了王位。
18.The prince usually succeeds to the throne after the king's death.王子通常在国王死后才能继承王位。

later kings后王
1.According to his own words,his intentions were "coping with changes with justice" and "managing affairs with justice",that is,later kings should draw on the political ideas that had been proven successful and universal to cope with the complicated contemporary situations and benefit people.荀子既言"法先王",又言"法后王",遭到后世批判。
3)kingly way-Wang Faren王道-王法
1.If the Western people stress the natural law,the Chinese the "kingly way-Wang Faren.如果说西方是自然法,中国就是"王道-王法"。
4)Queen's tomb王后墓
5)looking forward to the intending king待后王
6)Modular n-queen模n-王后
