多元文化观,multicultural perspective
1)multicultural perspective多元文化观

1.A Probe into Multi-culture and Respection Each Other;论多元文化与互相尊重——从人类学的多元文化观谈起
2.On Discrepancy of Multi-cultural Concepts From the Resignation of Australian Viceroy;从澳大利亚总督辞职谈多元文化观念差异
3.In the multicultural society, the curriculum of preschool education should embody the multicultural concepts to adapt to the social need.多元文化社会里,学前教育课程内容必须体现多元文化观念以适应社会需要。
4.From Mono-nation-awareness to Multi-cultural-view and Multi-social-view--A Discussion of the Changes of the Themes of Hugh's Poetry从一元民族意识到多元文化观和社会观——休斯诗歌主题思想变化管窥
5.On the Traditional Cultural Concept and the Contemporal Pluralistic Concept of Cultural Value;论传统文化观与当代多元文化价值观
6.The Confucian Conception of Zhong He Neutralism in the Contemporary Plural-culture Context;当代多元文化景观中的儒家“中和”观念
7.Interpretation of The Landing of Dust from a Perspective of Multivariate Interactive Culture《尘埃落定》的多元互动文化观解读
8.Multi-cultural Education Conception in America and Education for Nationalities in China美国多元文化教育观与我国民族教育
9.To Build a Bridge between Dance and Multicultural Education;架构舞蹈与多元文化教育的桥梁——多元文化舞蹈教育观探析
10.(15)New Dialectical Conceptions: A Discourse Between Chinese Comparative Literature and Plural Cultures;新辩证观念:中国比较文学与多元文化对话
11.The multi-style adoption and mutation of the Chinese “Ci” from the perspective of global cultural system;在大文化观照下中国诗词英译的多元化及变通
12.The Values of College students under the Education of Multicultural Background试论文化多元化背景下大学生的价值观教育
13.The Demonstration of Geling Yan s Multi-dimensional, Open and Equal Culture Identity Stance;论严歌苓多元、开放、平等的文化身份观的展示
14.Kramsch s Perspective of Cultural Diversity Interaction and Culture Teaching in Chinese Foreign Language Education;Kramsch的多元互动观与我国的语言文化教学
15.Theory of Eisenstadt:Historical Point of View about Civilization and Multiple Modernitics;文明史观与多元现代化:爱森斯塔特的理论
16.Guiding College Students’ Outlook on Values under Multi-cultures;浅议多元文化下当代大学生价值观的引导
17.The College Students' Value Education in Our Country in Muti-cultural Pattern多元文化背景下的我国大学生价值观教育
18.Values of Middle-school Student under Multicultural Influence多元文化影响下的中学生价值观现状分析

multicultural values多元文化价值观
3)the view of pluralistic culture history多元文化史观
4)view of multi-element literature多元文学观
1.The influencing factors and countermeasures of developing multi-culture nursing;开展多元文化护理的影响因素与对策
2.Application of multi-culture nursing in ICU;多元文化护理在ICU的应用
1.On culture of physical education under multiculture;对多元文化下体育教育的文化思考
2.Strengthening the centralized guiding position of Marxism in multiculture;在多元文化环境中强化马克思主义的一元指导地位
3.The Dissection Aeout the Multiculture Development in the Minority Nationalities Areas of China in a Prospect of Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下我国少数民族地区多元文化发展探析

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。