君民一体,the integrity of monarchs and subjects
1)the integrity of monarchs and subjects君民一体
2)emperor and subjects君臣一体

1.On Emperor YANG Jian’s Thought of Nationality Relationship;论隋文帝“君臣一体”的民族关系思想
2.If only, he argued, sons would behave filially, fathers paternally, kings royally and subjects loyally, all would be well with the world.他说只要能做到君君臣臣父父子子,那世界上的一切都会很美好。
3.If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.君王若听谎言,他一切臣仆都是奸恶。
4.Territory Unification: Attempt to Discuss Fate of the Emperors and Officials of the Previous Dynasties in the Early Period of the Song Dynasty;江山一统:试论宋初前代君臣的命运
5.Duke Ting asked how a ruler should employ his ministers and how a minister should serve his ruler. Confucius replied, saying: "The prince employs his ministers with propriety; the ministers serve their prince with good faith."9定公问:「君使臣,臣事君,如之何」孔子对曰:「君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。」
6.Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.臣服封建法律下一个忠实的封臣对其君主的正式承认
7.Moarch-Subject-Bandit A Construction of Image System in Initial Fiction;“君-臣-寇”——初兴期章回小说人物体系的建构
8.Then, with all my subjects gone, I would no longer be the king of flunkeys.我将没有一个臣民,我将不再是奴才们的君主。
9.If a ruler pays attention to falsehood, All his ministers become wicked.箴29:12君王若听谎言、他一切臣仆都是奸恶。
10.On the Change of the Monarch-Officials Ideas during Tang-Song Period;从“君臣之义”到“君臣道合”——论唐宋时期君臣观念的发展
11.The monarch - subject system on the whole was overlapping steadily in the Western Zhou Dynasty.西周时期的君臣体系,总体呈现出层叠架构的态势。
12.loyal subjects of our sovereign我们君主的忠诚臣民
13.The Taboo of the Monarch and the Danger of the Subject --The Alienated State of the Relationship Between the Monarch and the Subject in the Novels of Tang Dynasty;君忌而臣危——论唐人小说中君臣关系的异化形态
14.The Effect on Pharmacokinetics of the Active Compounds in Human Plasma Among Herbs in Mahuang Decoction;麻黄汤中臣佐使药对君药效应成分在人体药代动力学的影响
15.The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against His Annointed.世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰一同商议,要敌挡耶和华并他的受膏者。
16."The kings of the earth have taken their place, and the rulers are fixed in their purpose, against the Lord, and against the king of his selection, saying,"世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰一同商议,要敌挡耶和华,并他的受膏者,
17.The obligations of a vassal to a lord.臣服义务臣子对君主应尽的义务
18.A large part is distributed among the various functionaries of government, and among the objects of the sovereign's favour or caprice.很大一部分被分配给政府各式各样的官员,以及君王的宠臣。

emperor and subjects君臣一体
3)Li Jun Wei Min(a monarch is selected for the people)立君为民
1.The concept of Minben is explored in three levels:Li Jun Wei Min(a monarch is selected for the people),Min Wei Guo Ben(people are the foundation of a nation),and Zheng Zai Yang Min(government is e.本文从立君为民、民为国本、政在养民等三个层次剖析《太平经》的民本思想体系,进而指出:它并不具有反专制的属性。
4)harmony between government and its civilians君民和谐
5)emperor-people relations君民关系
6)people are like the water while emperor the boat民水君舟
