气感说,The Qi-Gan concept (Air-Stir concept)
1)The Qi-Gan concept (Air-Stir concept)气感说
1.The Qi-Gan concept (Air-Stir concept) is an important doctrine in ancient Chinese literary criticism. "气感说"是中国古代文论的重要学说。

1.On the Literary Vitality Activation from a View of the Ancient Qi-Gan Concept;从古代文论的“气感说”看文艺的生命激活
2.Kirchofer says she felt vindicated by the city's support.科奇弗说她感到该城市为她出了气。
3.She said with an air of no emotion whatever.她说话的神气里,丝毫不含感情。
4.But rather than feeling anger, Alan simply felt desolate.阿兰感到的与其说是生气,倒不如说孤独。
5.Heyward answered evenly,"I'm grateful for your frankness, Leonard."海沃德心平气和地回答说:“感谢你的坦率,伦纳德。”
6."I'll see you later," he said, with a pretence of disturbance at being interrupted.“等会儿见,"他装出被人打断感到烦恼的神气说道。
7.'Its simplicity, its air of extreme wonderment, 'he said, had moved him all his life.他说“它的纯朴和绝对奇妙的气氛”使他终生感动。
8.Pathos·Melancholy·Woe--The Discussion on YU Da-fu s Mopish Character in His Novel;感伤·忧郁·悲鸣——论郁达夫小说的忧郁气质
9.He may have been mare pessimistic than unfortunate, but he couldn't help feeling that life has passed him by.与其说他运气不好,还不如说他太悲观,他总感到虚度了年华。
10.Again Michael felt that shortness of breath, that flooding through his body of something that was not so much desire as an insane possessiveness.迈克尔又感到上气不接下气了,在他全身汹涌澎湃的,与其说是渴望,不如说是如痴似醉的占有欲。
11.To utter in a breathless manner.喘着气说气吁吁地说
12."Why," said Drouet, puzzled at her tone, "you knew that, didn't you?"“嗨,"杜洛埃说,对她的语气感到大惑不解,"你早就知道这件事了,对不对?”
13."Ah!"observed Mr. Pickwick, rubbing his hands,"overflowing with kindly feelings and animal spirits"“啊!”匹克威克先生说,搓着手,“洋溢着自然的感情和充足的元气。”
14.You taIk about your feeIings untiI your breath is sucked out your body.男人总是不停的说自己的感受,直到咽下最后一口气。
15.I had found more in this experience than I had received from all the pep talks and patriotic speeches I had ever heard.我听过那么多鼓励士气的讲话和爱国的演说,感受也没有这回的多。
16.I must confess that this cold reception astonished and, at the time, even angered me.老实说,受到这样的冷遇使我感到意外,当时甚至有点气愤。
17.He waved his hand slightly, his voice brisk and impersonal.他的口气尖厉,不带一点感情,说着还轻轻用手一招。
18.If you are anything of an actor, you will probably say your lines with emotion.而如果你有成为演员的才气的话,或许会很有感情地说出你的台词。

incubative pathogen doctrine新感学说
1.The new affection and the incubative pathogen doctrine were the major contents in the pathogenesis of febrile diseases.在系统回顾伏邪、新感学说沿革的基础上,浅析其涵义与特点,围绕如何看待伏邪温病学说,进而提出对伏邪新感学说的研讨应结合现代临床诊治,尤其伏邪学说对于临床辨证以及治疗有着重要作用。
3)arguing sensibility说理情感
4)theory of material-stimulus-generating-emotion物感说
1.The theory of material-stimulus-generating-emotion is concerned about the origin and generation of literature in Chinese history."物感说"是中国文论史上关于文艺的本源论和生成论。
5)inspiration theory灵感说
1.His thought of aesthetics was on the basis of “thought theory” and “inspiration theory”.柏拉图美学思想根植于“理念论”和“灵感说”。
6)frightened theory危惧感说
