思想范式,ideology model
1)ideology model思想范式
1.The ideology model rashly cuts off the relation between tradition and modern,and the historical truth is covered by such a kind of arbitrary binary thinking, further more,hence it is becoming an ideology trap.“传统——现代”的思想范式成为解释中国近代思想文化的一个典范,影响甚大。

1.On the Aesthetic Meaning of the Thinking Form of "Two Modes of Yin and Yang";论“阴阳两仪”思想范式的美学意涵
2.On the Formation and Fulfillment of Guan Zi s "Humanism"Thought on Management of State Affairs;管子“以人为本”思想范式的建构及其治国实践
3.Complexity Thought: Open the New Transform of Human Thinking Paradigm;复杂性思想:开创人类思维范式新变革
4.The Connotation of Human-oriented Thought and the Empirical Mode of Political and Ideological Education in Universities;高校思想政治教育人本思想的内涵与工作范式
5.The humanistic basis of paradigm--comments on humanistic and normative thoughts in the book "the lost paradigm: a research on humanities;范式的人性基础——《迷失的范式:人性研究》之人性与规范思想述评
6.Yin-Yang, Taiji and the Construct of STS Theory Format;阴阳太极思想与STS理论范式的建构
7.On a new model of adolescence moral education;试析未成年人思想道德建设的新范式
8.The paradigm perspective on Taylor s scientific management and its intellectual values;泰勒科学管理的范式观及其思想价值
9.A Study of the Research Mode on the Traditional Legal Ideology of the Ancient China--Citing an Example of "Rite and Punishment" from the Confucianism Theory Before the Qin Dynasty;中国传统法律思想的研究范式——以先秦儒家的礼法思想为例
10.Research on Project-based Teaching Model of Political Education Course in Secondary Normal School;中等师范学校思想政治课研究性教学模式初探
11.New mode for blog-based ideological and political education on undergraduates;基于博客的高校思想政治教育范式探索
12.University student culture not asymmetrical model and the thought political education pattern explore;大学生文化不对称范式及其思想政治教育
13.Models of Developing the Network Ideological and Political Education by University Library;高校图书馆开展网络思想政治教育范式
14.The thoughs of "Three Representatives" and the transform of mode of the research on CPC.;“三个代表”思想与中共历史研究范式转换
15.The Important Thought of "Three Represents" and the Transformation of the Model of CPC;“三个代表”重要思想与中共党史学范式转换
16.On the Paradigm Conversion of Political and Ideological Education Practice from "Monologue" to "Communication"从“独白”到“交往”的思想政治教育实践范式转换
17.Value Paradigm,Thought and Literature Research --The Belletristic Introspect of 1990′s;价值范式、思想与文学研究——对20世纪90年代文学研究之反思
18.The beauty of tolerance and kindness comes from the Confucian philosophical thought, such as Golden Mean.中和之美”范畴来源于儒家“中庸”的哲学思想和以艺求道的方式。

FanLi's Thoughts范蠡思想
3)Fan Changjiang's Spirit范长江思想
4)category of unthought非思想范畴
5)paradigmatic association范式联想
6)thinking paradigm思维范式
1.Only by cultivating management thinking character,establishing scientific,rational thinking mode, can the hospital manager understand the meaning construction of thinking paradigm of hospital management, grasp the characteristics of the change of thinking paradigm of hospital management.医院管理思维范式是管理科学活动的整合与升华,范式变革的实质就是提出一套全新的发现问题和解决问题的方法。
2.From the perspectives of literary creation, criticism theory and thinking paradigm, this paper makes a macroscopic investigation into the development of western literature, especially that of the 20th century.本文从文学创作、批评理论和思维范式三个方面,对西方文学,特别是20世纪西方文学的发展历程进行了宏观的考察,指出,西方文学的创新其实走过的是一条不断循环、不断重复传统的创新之路。
3.The amalgamation of developing course of science and value cognitions give birth to the adaptive thinking paradigm of the educational decision-making.科学认识和价值认识发展轨迹的融合产生了当代教育管理决策的适应思维范式。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j