君臣关系,Monarch-Subject Relationship
1)Monarch-Subject Relationship君臣关系
1.Transformation of Feature of Monarch-Subject Relationship in Qin-Han Period;秦汉时期君臣关系性格的演化

1.The Taboo of the Monarch and the Danger of the Subject --The Alienated State of the Relationship Between the Monarch and the Subject in the Novels of Tang Dynasty;君忌而臣危——论唐人小说中君臣关系的异化形态
2.A Restudy of the Han-Wei Transition: The Prince-Minister Relationship and the Writing of History;“汉魏革命”再研究:君臣关系与历史书写
3.The Study on the Theory of Relationship Between Rulers and Ministers of Pre-Qin Dynasty;先秦儒、墨、道、法家君臣关系理论浅析
4.An Analysis on Relations of the Monarch and His Subiects And Career Crime of Ethics;伦理道德中的“君臣关系”与职务犯罪
5.Getting Inspiration from History: the Important Ways for Emperor Li Shi-min to Build Harmonious Relations between Him and His Subjects;以史为鉴:唐太宗构建和谐君臣关系的重要手段
6.The Lord-Liege Tie between Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Ji in Yu Ci Gui Lao Qing Tian Zhao;从《御赐归老青田诏》看朱元璋与刘基的君臣关系
7.the Relationship between Emperor and Minister Influencing the Politics in the Former of Northern Song Dynasty--Take the relationship between Emperors and Kou Zhun for an example;君臣关系与北宋前期政治——以寇准为个案
8.On the Characteristics of Chinese Legal Culture by Studying the Ancient Liege Relationship;从古代君臣关系立法看中国法律文化的特点
9.A Favorable Relationship between the King and his Appointed Officials: the Relationship between the Central Imperial Court and the Mu Family at the Ming Dynasty;良性互动的君臣关系——明代丽江土官木氏与中央王朝关系研究
10.On the Eulogistic Literature Wrought by Song Lian: Including the Human Relation in the Mimg Dynasty;论宋濂的颂圣文学──兼论颁圣文学的基本特征与明初君臣关系
11.Leave an Error Alone:A Discuss of"On Dao"in Song Dynasty--An Examination Centering on Fan Zhongyan's Theory of Emperor-Official Relationship将错就错:宋代士大夫“原道”略说——以范仲淹的君臣关系论为中心的考察
12.On Emperor YANG Jian’s Thought of Nationality Relationship;论隋文帝“君臣一体”的民族关系思想
13.Duke Ting asked how a ruler should employ his ministers and how a minister should serve his ruler. Confucius replied, saying: "The prince employs his ministers with propriety; the ministers serve their prince with good faith."9定公问:「君使臣,臣事君,如之何」孔子对曰:「君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。」
14.Moarch-Subject-Bandit A Construction of Image System in Initial Fiction;“君-臣-寇”——初兴期章回小说人物体系的建构
15.On the Change of the Monarch-Officials Ideas during Tang-Song Period;从“君臣之义”到“君臣道合”——论唐宋时期君臣观念的发展
16.Criticing Xun Zi’s Sovereign as the Base and the “Vessel Water”Relationship between the Sovereign and His People;评荀子的君本论和君民“舟水”关系说
17.loyal subjects of our sovereign我们君主的忠诚臣民
18.On the Sino-US Relationship in Late Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of Pu Ancheng and Pu Ancheng Treaty;从蒲安臣和《蒲安臣条约》看晚清中美关系

3)the mode of the relationship between monarch and subject君臣关系模式
4)the relationships between monarchs and officers in the offering封君封臣关系
5)monarch / minister君君臣臣

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关