尚贤,Veneration for Gentlemen
1)Veneration for Gentlemen尚贤

1.Study on Han Fei’s Talent-appointment Thought;重贤不尚贤 用贤且防贤——韩非贤能观初探
2.On Mo Di s Ideas of Esteeming Sages and Esteeming Accordance;简论墨子“尚贤、尚同”思想的实质
3.A Comparison of the Thought of Personnel Management Between Confucianism and Legalism尚贤与尚功:儒家与法家人事管理思想比较
4.The Rise of the Abdication Theory in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period China;“歷数”和“尚贤”与禅让说的兴起
5.Xun Zi’s view on talents of esteeming and appointing the person with virtue and ability and its contemporary significance;荀子“尚贤使能”的人才观及其现代意义
6.Innovation and Development of Mo Zi s Thought of Respecting Talented Persons;墨子的“尚贤”思想及其创新与发展
7.Yao Shun Yu Tang s literary and military ideas and Mo Di s thought of respecting the talent;“尧舜禹汤文武之道”与墨子的“尚贤”思想
8.To set a good example to others and to hold the worthy in high esteem are the indications of the good virtues of administrators.为人表率 ,尚贤重才 ,乃是为政者良好德行的体现。
9.The Enlightenment of Mo-tse s Thought of Respecting Talents to China s Party and Government Cadre Training;墨子尚贤思想对我国党政干部队伍建设的启示
10.From Respecting Worthy Persons to Abdication of Able Ones --A Profile of Political Thought Changes in the Warring States Period;从尚贤到禅让——战国政治思想变化的一个侧面
11.Wisdom-Advocating, Expense-Saving & Humanity-Upholding--Three Underpinnings to the Mo Di s Populace s Politics;尚贤、节用、兼爱——墨翟平民政治的三个支撑点
12.The Social Lives of Mongolian Bannermen in the Qing Dynasty as Represented in Shang Xian s Vermilion Exam Paper;清代尚贤硃卷所见蒙古旗人的社会生活
13.My Meager Opinion about the Idea of "Rule of Morals" by Confucius--Setting a good example to others and holding worthy persons in high esteem;孔子“德治”思想刍议——为人表率与尚贤重才
14."If you overesteem great men, people become powerless. If you overvalue possessions, people begin to steal. The Master leads by emptying people's minds and filling their cores, by weakening their ambition and toughening their resolve."不尚贤, 使民不争; 不贵难得之货,使民不为盗; 不见可欲, 使民心不乱。
15.Gilbert Reid and the International Institute of China--A Case Study of Foreign Missionary Activities in Late Qing and Early Republic China李佳白与尚贤堂——清末民初在华传教士活动个案研究
16.On Ying Bu According to Sima Qian and Shang Zhongxian s Comments;英布其人——司马迁与尚仲贤的论赞及其他
17.On Song Xiang s Inheritance and Development of the Vigorous and Forthright Poetic Style of the Early Qing Period Guangdong;“尚得古贤雄直气”——论宋湘对清初岭南诗风的继承与发展
18.From Former Worthies Shrine to Local Former Worthies Shrine--A View of Regional Identification from Song To Ming Dynasty;从先贤祠到乡贤祠——从先贤祭祀看宋明地方认同

esteeming and making good use of the worthy尚贤事能
3)advocating virtuousness makes enable尚贤使能
1.It includes the administrative organization control thought of "the ritual and law",the administrative organization rank thought of "nobleness and lowliness are the same",the administrative organization thought of choosing the right persons for the right jobs,namely,"advocating virtuousness makes enable" and the administrative organization thought of using the power,namely,"prestige of t.他的行政组织思想包括"礼""法"结合的行政组织控制思想、"贵贱有等"的行政组织等级思想、"尚贤使能"行政组织用人思想、"道德之威成乎安强"的行政组织用权思想。
4)Wu Shangxian吴尚贤
5)give up one's position to the one more competent尚能让贤
6)rule of worshipping the talented尚贤原则

尚贤  中国战国初期墨子关于用人的政治主张。《墨子·尚贤》上、中、下三篇阐述了这一观点。墨子从治国安民的目的出发,提出了"尚贤"是"为政之本"的观点。他指出,国家之所以"不得富而得贫,不得众而得寡,不得治而得乱",原因在于"王公大人为政于国家者,不能以尚贤事能为政也"。他认为当政急务在"众贤",即搜求大量人才,以适应时代的需要。墨子反对儒家"亲亲有术,尊贤有等"的看法,主张"不党父兄,不偏富贵,不嬖颜色","有能则举之,无能则下之"。他强调,国家用人应打破等级身份,"官无常贵,民无终贱","虽在农与工肆之人,有能则举之,高予之爵,重予之禄",让其有职有权,发挥作用。这反映了小生产者要求改变自身的经济政治地位,参与政权的愿望,是对以血缘为基础的贵族等级制度的冲击,在当时具有进步意义。    墨子"尚贤"的思想对后世影响很大。后来荀况反对"以世举贤",认为"王公士大夫"与"庶人"的子孙地位可以互易;韩非强调"宰相必起于州部,猛将必发于卒伍",要从地方和下层中选拔人才,这些都是对墨子思想的继承和发展。