命运之天,the Nature as fate
1)the Nature as fate命运之天
1.Facing the Nature as fate or lot,man can develop his inner world of personality,cultivate his moral character and cal.他的天人相分思想可以从三个方面得到说明:在主宰之天面前,人可以对天的意志产生影响,甚至可以违背天意;在命运之天面前,人可以发展自己的内在人格世界,修身俟命,采取天与人各行其是、互不相干的态度,这与郭店楚简中的思想极其相似;在自然之天面前,人可以认识和利用自然规律为人类服务。
2)the Fate运命之天
1.During the Zhou Dynasty( especially in Western Zhou(1027—772 BC)), the ideology of the Tian reflected in "The Book of Songs" is composed with four independent systems : the Nature ,The God, the Decree, and the Fate.《诗经》天观念从横向上分析,可分为物质之天、主宰之天、义理之天、运命之天四类,而物质之天始终不占主要地位,处于中心地位的是主宰之天。
3)nature endowed by heaven天命之性
1.LUO Ru-fang was imparted Yi-ology at age of 34,and then he comprehended that the philosophy of Yi threads through the Four Books and Five Classics,holding that the principle of "creative creativity" in the Yi is the human nature endowed by heaven as well as the benevolence and heart/mind;Taiji(lit.罗汝芳三十四岁时得传《易》学,悟得易理贯通四书五经,认为《易》乾坤的"生生"之理就是天命之性,就是仁,也是心;"太极"不在"易"之外,而本身就是乾坤,是有和无的统一,实有道体又圆融无碍,它成为性命的根源,而其自身又是超越善恶的"至善"。
4)riddle on fate命运之谜

1.An Analysis of the Religious Ideas of Sophcolece s and Shakespeare s Tragedies;天神与命运之谜:试分析索福克勒斯和莎士比亚悲剧的宗教信仰
2.The Swords of Destiny is also a clue to a greater enigma.命运之剑也是另一个更大的谜团的线索。
3.There is an aptitude for political intrigue and the deeper mysteries of life.有实行政治阴谋及探讨深层生命之谜的能力。
4.Ding Ling and Anarchism: An Explanation of the Mystery in the Studies of Ding Ling;丁玲与中国无政府主义运动:破解丁玲研究之谜
5.Absurdity: the Depths of Existence --Wang Xiaobo s Approach to the Riddle of Existence of Life;荒谬:存在的幽深之处——王小波对生命存在之谜的思考路径
6.Uncover the Secret of "a=1.37m/s~2";揭开“a=1.37m/s~2”之谜
7.The true riddle is essentially a comparison between the unstated answer and something else that is described in the question.谜语的要素在于谜底与谜面之间的比较。
8.One of the Fates.命运女神命运三女神之一
9.Two possible destinies await China, a destiny of light and a destiny of darkness.有两种中国之命运,光明的中国之命运和黑暗的中国之命运。
10.The age-old arch bridge(the rainbow-shaped bridge)--A new discovery on Liuzhi site of the great canal in the Huaibei City;悠远的虹桥——淮北柳孜运河遗址“石构建筑”之谜新探
11.Forces of Culture and Ups and Downs of the Destiny of a Nation--the historic mystery of the ups and downs of ancient China s technological development;文化力量与国运兴衰——中国古代科技发展前兴后衰的历史之谜
12.Luck was on my side.命运之神在支持我。
13.This circle relates to the unsolvable enigma of art, which may be the reason why the eternal life-force of art exists.此循环相关于不解的艺术之谜,这或许正是艺术永恒的生命力之所在
14.Mao Zedong und "Weltrtsel"-bersetzung der "Weltrtsel" von Ernst Haeckel vor 30 Jahren;毛泽东和《宇宙之谜》——三十年前翻译海克尔的《宇宙之谜》之谜
15.One of the three Fates, the spinner of the thread of destiny.克洛索三命运神之一,命运之线的纺织者
16.One of the three Fates, the measurer of the thread of destiny.拉基西斯命运三女神之一,专司命运之索
17.One of the three Fates, the cutter of the thread of destiny.阿特罗波斯三命运神之一,命运之线的切割者
18.including the @Enigam of Arrival@.《抵达之谜》是其中一部。

the Fate运命之天
1.During the Zhou Dynasty( especially in Western Zhou(1027—772 BC)), the ideology of the Tian reflected in "The Book of Songs" is composed with four independent systems : the Nature ,The God, the Decree, and the Fate.《诗经》天观念从横向上分析,可分为物质之天、主宰之天、义理之天、运命之天四类,而物质之天始终不占主要地位,处于中心地位的是主宰之天。
3)nature endowed by heaven天命之性
1.LUO Ru-fang was imparted Yi-ology at age of 34,and then he comprehended that the philosophy of Yi threads through the Four Books and Five Classics,holding that the principle of "creative creativity" in the Yi is the human nature endowed by heaven as well as the benevolence and heart/mind;Taiji(lit.罗汝芳三十四岁时得传《易》学,悟得易理贯通四书五经,认为《易》乾坤的"生生"之理就是天命之性,就是仁,也是心;"太极"不在"易"之外,而本身就是乾坤,是有和无的统一,实有道体又圆融无碍,它成为性命的根源,而其自身又是超越善恶的"至善"。
4)riddle on fate命运之谜
5)The Stars Shine Down命运之星
6)thoughts and realization of life命运之思

《马克思学说的历史命运》  列宁科学地阐明马克思学说在三个历史时期传播情况的文章。发表于1913年 3月。中译文载于人民出版社1959年出版的《列宁全集》第18卷。    19世纪末20世纪初,E.伯恩斯坦修正主义借口时代的变化,宣称马克思的学说不再适应新的历史情况,要加以"批判"和"修正"。针对这股修正主义思潮,文章论证了马克思主义的强大生命力。它将《共产党宣言》发表以后世界历史的发展分为 3个时期:①从1848年欧洲革命到1871年巴黎公社;②从巴黎公社到俄国1905年革命;③1905年俄国革命以后。文章指出,每个时期的世界事变进程,都使马克思主义获得了新的证明和新的胜利,并科学地预言,即将来临的历史时代,定会使马克思学说获得更大的胜利。文章高度评价了中国和亚洲其他国家已经掀起的革命运动,把它看作是世界风暴的新泉源。    该文通过总结历史经验,揭示了修正主义的特征,指出:"马克思主义在理论上的胜利,逼得它的敌人装扮成马克思主义者,历史的辩证法就是如此"。    这篇文章对于研究马克思主义哲学的历史分期和发展规律,有指导意义。