崇德,upholding morality
1)upholding morality崇德
1.Confucianism s “upholding morality and attaching importance to benevolence" and the Moral Education in the 21st Century;儒家“崇德重仁”与21世纪德育建设

1.Confucianism s “upholding morality and attaching importance to benevolence" and the Moral Education in the 21st Century;儒家“崇德重仁”与21世纪德育建设
2.Study on the Modern Value of Military Morality Education in the Harmonious Society;和谐社会中“尚武崇德”的当代价值
3.On "Doctrine of Conducting Self-Perfection" and "Worship of Virtue to Extend Business" of Zhou Yi论《周易》的“立人之道”及“崇德广业”
4.revere virtue,human life,the church's teaching崇尚美德、尊重人的生命、崇奉教义
5.Everyone extols his noble qualities.人人称颂他的崇高品德。
6.a woman of high principle有崇高道德原则的女子.
7.her sovereign virtue is compassion.她最崇高的美德是富有同情心
8.The highest glory is won by the highest virtue .崇高的德行赢得无上光荣。
9.His wings are sprouting.[谑]他的道德崇高极了,不在天使之下。
10.Maintain the highest ethical standard in our operations and business经营活动遵从崇高的道德标准
11.The construction economy government advocates the ethical spirit strength;建设节约型政府 崇尚道德精神力量
12.On the Royal Cult of Saint Denis in the Medieval France;试论中世纪法国王室的“圣德尼崇拜”
13.Formlessness:Kant s development on Burke s Sublime Theory;“无形式”:康德对柏克崇高论的发展
14.From Loftiness, Tragic Beauty to Patriotism;从崇高、悲剧美、爱国主义到德育教学
15.On Shiller s Inheritance from and Transcendence over Kante s View of Sublimity;试论席勒对康德崇高观的继承与超越
16.Research on the Sacrificial Offering of Suld in Erdos鄂尔多斯人的苏力德崇拜之文化探析
17.“Notes of Dong Baode’s Pious Deeds”and the Sui Stupa in the Chong jiao Temple of Dunhuang《董保德功德记》与隋代敦煌崇教寺舍利塔
18.Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue. --La Rochefoucauld虚伪是恶德对美德所表示的崇敬。——罗什福科

sublime moral character崇高品德
3)Being Loyal to the Cause of Education and Attaching Importance to a Good Personality崇教厚德
4)Lin Chonde林崇德
1.A Theory of Intelligence Focused on the Thinking Structure——Reviews on Lin Chonde s Theory of Intelligence;聚焦思维结构的智力理论——林崇德的智力理论述评
5)Military Morality Education尚武崇德
1.Study on the Modern Value of Military Morality Education in the Harmonious Society;和谐社会中“尚武崇德”的当代价值
6)worship of morality道德崇拜
