出世与入世,aloofness and worldliness
1)aloofness and worldliness出世与入世
2)going into and leaving the society入世与出世

1.Reality and Spirit --the Comparative Research of Confucianism Culture and Christianity Culture;入世与出世——儒家文化与基督文化之比较研究
2.An analysis of Ge Hong s syncretism of Taoism and Confucianism;徜徉在入世与出世之间——葛洪儒道兼综思想剖析
3.In the World or beyond the World:Liang Shuming s Ultimate Concern;在入世与出世之间——论梁漱溟的终极关怀
4.To Be or Not to Be: WU Jingzi s Dilemmatic Choice--On the Dilemma of Being Officials or Not in “Unofficial History of Confucians";入世与出世:吴敬梓的两难抉择——论《儒林外史》中仕与隐的矛盾
5.Entry of WTO: Government Policy and Company Strategy;入世与走出去:政府政策与企业战略
6.Go into Lu Xun s world;走进鲁迅世界——深入鲁迅与跳出鲁迅
7.WANG Guo-wei and Frost:Different World Views Embodied in Aesthetic Distances;王国维与弗罗斯特:审美距离中体现的出世观与入世观
8.A Research on the Mediating Effect of Going into the World and Leaving the World between IAD and Well-being;入世和出世心理对网络成瘾与幸福感的中介作用初探
9.Jing-ming-dao Ethics and its Philosophical Basis;净明道的道德观及其哲学基础——兼谈道教“出世”与“入世”之圆融
10.National discourse vs. individual desires-Yu Dafu in a dilemma;国家话语与个人欲望——徘徊在出世和入世之间的郁达夫
11.A Primary Study on Attachment and Detachment in Goal Striving;目标追求的入世、出世心理测评初探
12.The challenges and countermeasures of Chineseagricultural product after entering WTO;入世后我国农产品进出口面临的挑战与对策
13.The obstacle and solution to the development of export for agricultural products after entry to WTO;入世后农产品出口贸易发展的障碍与对策
14.About Buddhism in the Near and the Far;出世修持 进入涅槃——谈《近与远》中的佛教教义
15.On the System of Export Tax Rebate after China s Entry into WTO;入世后我国出口退税制度的改革与完善
16.China s Entry into WTO and Market Withdrawal ofState-Owned Inferior FET Enterprises;试论我国入世与国有外经贸劣势企业退出市场
17.The Key for China s Economic Development and Its Involvement in the World;“走出去”是中国经济发展与融入世界的关键
18.world input-output model世界投入产出模式(投入产出模式)

going into and leaving the society入世与出世
3)Going into the world and leaving the world入世出世
4)entry into th society and escape from the society"入世"与"遁世"
5)Going into the society and leaving the society人世与出世
6)birth in the world出入世
